Chapter 22. Fall

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Elizabeth didn't go to school the next day.

I texted her that night, but she didn't reply. I thought maybe she was just resting, so I didn't bother her.

The next day, I was anticipating to see her. I thought that when I arrive at our room, she'd be on her seat beside Jeno. When I didn't see her, I thought that she was probably just late, and that her dad will most likely drive her to school.

But she wasn't late, nor did Mr. Moon drive her to school.

Her seat was empty.

Donghyuck, Renjun, Jeno, and Jaemin were noticeably as solemn as I was when I didn't see her. We were obviously not that happy because she wasn't around.

After school though, she did message us on our group chat, thanking us for taking care of her when she fainted, and apologizing for causing such trouble.

We didn't mind it, it wasn't really a big deal. But other than that, she didn't tell us anything more, nor did she go online for the rest of the night. We didn't know where she was, we didn't know what she was doing. We were worried about her.

I was worried about her.

But we just let her be, thinking that she was probably still healing from her fatigue. I'm not sure about Donghyuck or the others, but I didn't call her that day.

I figured she needed the rest. I didn't want to disturb her. I just wanted her to get better so she could go to school and we could see her again.

So that I could see her again.

We thought she'd be back soon

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We thought she'd be back soon. But we were wrong because on Wednesday, she still didn't go to school.

At first, I refused to believe that she was absent again. My eyes were glued to the door, waiting for her to arrive. Minutes passed, but the door didn't swing open, and she didn't appear.

During class, I texted her, asking her where she was, but she didn't reply. So I texted her again in the next hour. Again, she didn't reply.

She never replied.

I sent her messages, and I tried calling her. Her phone was ringing, but she wasn't answering it. And she wasn't replying to any of my messages.

I asked Donghyuck if she happened to be replying to him, but he told me that she wasn't. He had also sent her some messages, and also tried calling her, but he got the same results as I did.


The five of us talked about it on our boys-only group chat. Apparently, all of us sent her messages and tried calling her. But none of us got any replies from her, and she didn't answer our calls.

At around 7 that night, I went to her house. I wanted to see her, I wanted to know if she was okay. I was nervous, because I thought maybe she didn't want to see me. That's why she wasn't replying to me.

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