Chapter 38. Lifeline

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I stayed in the hospital that night.

I stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Moon, trying my best to comfort them as they cried.

I stayed with Elizabeth, praying so hard that it wasn't real, that she was still alive.

But I knew my prayers were useless, because she wasn't alive anymore.

I was there when she breathed her last breath.

I was there when her heartbeat completely fell into a flat line.

I was there when she died.

"Mark? Mark, are you there? Mark? Hello?"

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"Mark? Mark, are you there? Mark? Hello?"

I stared blankly ahead as Donghyuck continued to talk to me on the phone.

It took me a few more moments before I finally went out of my trance and answered, my voice almost a whisper.


That's when the tears rolled down again, slowly.

I was still in the hospital, just outside of Room 127, when Donghyuck called that morning.

I knew they've figured out the reason behind my absence at first period. There was no other answer to their question except that.

"Is she...?"

But I couldn't answer them. I couldn't tell them. I couldn't say that simple word that confirms it.

It was too difficult.

I just burst into tears, my vision blurring and their voices barely audible on the other line.

Everything felt so heavy. I couldn't breathe. My throat and my lungs hurt from crying all night long.

It was suffocating.

So they didn't force me to speak anymore and ended the call. Instead, the four of them just showed up at the hospital, perhaps an hour after they called, although I wasn't sure.

I haven't really been paying attention to the time.

When they arrived, I could only stare at them with worn-out eyes. Their movements seemed to slow down as they asked me how I was, how Mr. and Mrs. Moon were doing, their voices sounding faint to my ears.

I was in a trance again, and I couldn't speak. I couldn't utter a single word, even when I tried to.

My chest tightened in pain as I looked at my friends one by one, feeling depressed and exhausted.

On top of that, I felt bad for them to not have been with her on her last moments. It felt unfair that they weren't able to be there for her when she died. They didn't even get to say a proper goodbye.

I was on the verge of an emotional breakdown in front of them, but Mr. and Mrs. Moon suddenly went out of Room 127, making me hold back the tears.

They looked so stressed and weary, but they managed to greet the four of them, despite the happenings.

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