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"Ishida Uryu..." I read, aloud, the name written on the paper.

I know that he is one of the people who didn't want to play this game, but I hope the situation won't get awkward....

After I read his name from the paper, he looks at me a bit surprised, but then he turns and walk inside the closet. Hmm... I was thinking he was gonna complain at least a little... Oh well.. It's better that he didn't. 

I too, went in the closet and closed the door behind me. With all the dark around us, I managed to see Uryu sitting on a box. The box was large enough so I went and sat beside him. We remained like this for some time. It wasn't uncomfortable as I thought it would be, but I was hoping we would do something. I mean.... It is a one in a million chance for me... Since I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Uryu moving his hand. He put his hand on mine, stroking it.

As soon as I felt the warmth of his hand, I was startled and turned to him in a shocked manner. Of course, I was blushing pretty much already. 

"Pffff..... Ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!" suddenly, Uryu started to laugh pretty hard, while I was staying here, like the dumbest person on Earth.

"(Y/n), you looked as if you saw a ghost. Well... some weird ghost that embarrassed you, actually." he says, his laughter transforming into a smirk.

"That was a really cute reaction." I.... honestly didn't expect this. Not only that he was STILL holding my hand, but he laughed at my reaction and said that it was.... c-cute? 

I don't know what to say and I just keep staring at him. He did the same, but after a few seconds I remembered something.

"Umm... Uryu... You didn't want to play this game, right?"

"Yes, that's right. But it looks that I had no choice."

"I see... but why didn't you complained at all? I mean... a lot of people did... like when Ikkaku was supposed to enter with Momo. Or Iba with Rangiku...or....

"Because I wanted to." responded Uryu, without letting me finish what I wanted to say.

"What?" I ask dumbfounded.

"I didn't complain, (Y/n), because I wanted to be in here with you. Because it was YOU the one that got me." 

After he said this, I was so flustered I couldn't think right anymore.

"I - I see... " I replied with my eyes on the floor, considering it very interesting suddenly.

He smiled, then puts his hand under my chin and raises it so that I look straight into his eyes. Those deep blue eyes of his sent shivers throughout my whole body.

 "You realize what does this mean, right?" 

Come on.... looking with me with such intensity... That's not fair... Uryu was looking at me, obviously waiting for an answer.

"D- Do you... l- like me?" oh no.... what have I done? Please, someone kill me now!! What am I thinking? How could I ask him that?

Seeing that I panicked after asking him this, he just chuckled and answered.

"Yes. You're right, (Y/n). I do like you. The question is... Do you fell the same?" While asking this, the free hand that he had was caressing me until it got to my hip, letting it to rest there.

I blushed even harder, but I took all the courage that I had and answered.

" I... I do.... I like you too!" I responded, with my eyes closed and my body trembling.

Suddenly, I felt a pressure on my lips. I opened my eyes and saw that Uryu was kissing me. I was surprised and happy. I returned the kiss. The hand that he held under my chin moved to the nape of my neck, deepening the kiss. We interrupted the kiss because we needed air... well.. I did. Unexpectedly, Uryu is an incredible kisser. My legs turned to jelly just from that. This is quite new for me. 

Uryu went to my ear to whisper something, but until he got there he kissed, nibbled and licked my neck. Obviously I started to moan. Also, his hands were now studying my body, learning every part of it. 

"We need to get out of here." 

I was definitely disappointed that it ended, but I couldn't let it show.

"Y-Yes... I n-noticed the time is up t-too..." good job, me. Not letting it show. Not at all!! While cursing me for stuttering, Uryu went back to my ear.

"Yeah.. That too... But... " he says, his voice getting huskier with each word. " It's not only because the time is up... It's also because... I'm hard." he continues and the moment he says the last two words he bit my ear and grinded onto me, letting me feel the bulge in his pants.

I moaned again from the sudden action, the place down there burning. But let's not tell him that. He is so different... It's like another person... a horny Uryu... I can imagine what would be like to...

"How about we leave the party and go to my house?" he asks, more like demanding it.

I just nodded and did as he said. How far away was his house again?

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