Chapter 1

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(Written July 27, 2014)

I open up my eyes and realize that it's still dark outside. Holding my breath, I lift my head up to listen for voices but only hear the beating of my heart. It seems as though they have finally calmed down. But in all honesty, I am too terrified to go check on them.

After five minutes of contemplation, I finally summon the courage to sit up. Considering their typical fights, by now, half the living room is probably a mess. Like always, both are probably too drunk to make it to their bedroom. They must have passed out on the couch. That is if it's still in one piece.

Turning my head around, I glance at the clock.

1:19 am.

There are still a few hours left before the sun rises and a new day begins.

I reach under my pillow, and take out my phone. As it turns on, a photo of 6-year-old me standing beside my older brother stares back at me. A few seconds later, the screen goes dark, revealing my current, soulless eyes. As I think about the photo, its memory plays in my head as clear as a film.

It was the kind of warm, sunny day where you'd expect the birds to chirp at 5 am. I was ecstatic for him to complete his military training and would have never guessed that it would lead to my current, miserable life. My brother looked so happy with the biggest grin I'd ever seen. If only he hadn't left me the very next day, life today would be as beautiful as it was back then.

A tear rolls down my face as I stand up from my bed, holding my phone. The window is wide open, letting the cool, windy night fill my room with its chill. As I begin to cry, I look up at a star in the sky. It always reminds me of him.

After a moment, I recollect myself and decide to go check on my parents. I take one last breath of fresh air in preparation of being overwhelmed by the strong scent of alcohol. But as I take my first step towards the door, there's a sudden, loud screech followed by a thud that deafens my ears with fear.

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