Chapter 35

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(Written December 22, 2014)

(Liz's POV)
Once we make it to the unit, Jason and I are escorted into a delivery room while Liam and John are asked to stay in the waiting area. My contractions are monitored briefly to confirm that I'm indeed dilated enough to deliver the baby, and with that, the birthing saga begins.

After what feels like an eternity, a baby's cries erupt, and I let go of Jason's hand in relief. "Congratulations to you both! You're now the parents of a beautiful baby boy!" And with that, the most beautiful baby is placed on my chest. Jason leans in to kiss both the baby and me, and we're both overwhelmed with emotion. "He's beautiful, Liz," he says, and I nod in agreement.

"Have you both decided on a name?" We look at the nurse asking and then at each other. I touch my baby's head and smile at Jason. And in that moment, I know he knows. "Yes, we do," says Jason. "Liz and I have just decided on Connor." Happy tears fill my eyes.

"That's beautiful, you guys. We'll take Connor to give him a nice bath, but Jason, you're welcome to bring in your friends so that they can meet Liz in the meantime."

(Jason's POV)
I rush into the waiting area to find John and Liam pacing around. "Guys," I yell. They both look up and run to hug me. "I'm a father. It's a boy, Connor." I choke back tears, and they both hug me tighter.

"You're gonna be an incredible father," says John.

"Yeah, I agree. You're gonna do amazing, Jason. But I think there's something you're forgetting to do." I look at Liam, confused.

"Jason, I didn't tell Liz, but the day of the accident at the restaurant, the doctors said they found this in your jeans." He pulls out a ring case.

Oh my god. Because of the accident, I've had no memory of the day until now. I realize that I was going to take Liz to the new boutique after lunch at the restaurant because I'd set up a proposal there.

"Bethany recently told me you'd planned a whole thing for Liz, but you know that she only cares about you and not the grand gestures. Think about the love of your life. She's just given you a beautiful gift, fatherhood. Don't hesitate and go ask her to marry you, Jason."

"Thank you, Liam, for everything." And with that, I run back to the love of my life as my friends follow me with balloons, flowers, and a camera in their hands.

(Liz's POV)
The nurses returned Connor all bundled up, and I'm holding him in my arms when Jason and the boys run into the room. "Hey, guys, look who it is!"

"Oh my god," say Liam and John in sync.

"He's getting more and more beautiful every second I look at him. Just like his mother," says Jason. I laugh. "Oh, please, stop with the flattery. Is it because you're about to ask me for a favour are you? Because I feel exhausted."

He smiles. "Liz, you are the strongest, most beautiful girl I know. You brought color into my bland life and will forever be my reason for living. And if that wasn't enough, you've now gifted me with the gift of fatherhood by bringing Connor into this world. I wouldn't be alive right now if you hadn't become a part of my life when you did, and so I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to make millions of memories with you and Connor and I want to grow old with you. Liz, will you marry me?"

I'm shocked. Connor moves in my arms, and I look down and smile. "What do you say, my little bundle of joy, does your father deserve a yes?" Connor hiccups, and I laugh and scream, "YESSSSS."

Liam and John start whistling and laughing while filming Jason and me kiss. As he puts the ring on my finger, Liam looks at Connor and catches him smiling.

"Liz, Liz, the baby's smiling! John, turn the camera back on."

John quickly opens the Camera app and takes a photo of Jason, Connor, and me. Then, Liam and John jump in the photo, and we take a group selfie. Jason takes the phone and also takes photos of both of them taking turns holding Connor. I chuckle and say, "Connor, be sure to be nice to Uncle Liam and Uncle John; they're gonna be your babysitters." And this triggers a series of bickering between the both of them on who will babysit the first time.

Jason comes and lies down beside me, and I hug and kiss him. Holding his hand, I look at Liam and John playing with Connor and take a mental image of this moment. Three to four years ago, I never would've imagined that this could be my reality. But I'm grateful to my younger self for surviving all that pain so that I can experience this joy today. I now have a smile on my face, a family beside me, and an exciting future ahead of me. Life is beautiful.

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