Chapter 25

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(Written September 19, 2014)


(Liz's POV)

I groan into the pillow as a stupid beeping noise keeps repeating. "Why won't it shut up?" Jason exclaims, half asleep. "Well, Einstein, maybe try turning it off." I yawn, and after a few moments of waiting, Jason still doesn't turn off the alarm. Defeated, I get up, walk around the bed, and pick up the alarm from Jason's side to shut the damn thing.

I have a day off from work today, so I'm just going to chill, and Jason... wait, oh no! I pick up the clock, and it's 9:30 am. Today is Jason's brand launch at Aeropostale. He and Bethany Mota are supposed to cut the ribbon for the inauguration of the new store as owners and lead models. I look at him, and he's already deep asleep. "JASON, GET UP, YOU SLOTH, YOU'RE LATE!" I shake him until he's awake again, and I mean wide awake with shocked eyes.

(Jason's POV)

"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much," I say while posing for the photos the media is taking at the grand opening of my brand and shop. #pose, #smile, I say as I pose for more photos. All of a sudden, everything begins to shake; it's an earthquake. "Um, I guess #earthquake?" I say with a shrug. As I begin to look around, my sunglasses fall off my face, so I bend down to pick them up. "Oh my god! "I'M NOT WEARING ANY PANTS!" I look up and see Liz and Bethany running up behind the camera; this is so embarrassing. The earthquake continues, and I begin to scream. Everything goes dark, and I get up, realizing I'm in our bedroom, and Liz is shaking my shoulders. "Jason, are you okay? Why were you yelling?" she asks with concern.

(Liz's POV)

As soon as he gets up screaming, I ask him what's wrong, although I sort of already know. Embarrassed, he just shakes his head and changes the topic by asking me why I was shaking him like an earthquake. I show him the time, and at that exact moment, shocked, he runs out of bed yelling, "Love ya, gotta go get ready now!" As he's almost out the door, I yell back, "DON'T FORGET YOUR PANTS!"

Laughing, I remember when I was about to shake him to wake him up; he was sleep-talking. Poor guy must be embarrassed by now to not come back and reply. Oh well, today I shall surprise him with a nice lunch after the event.

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