( The Entrance Exams: Pt. I )

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Sheesh. Summer went by in a breeze.

You woke up due to your mom's music. She does this only because you're a sensitive sleeper, she's also fully aware of how irritating it is to hear music playing while you're wiggling around trying to sleep.

Your door was parted halfway open, causing you to scoff and climb out of bed. Twisting the knob and pulling it, you peered downstairs over the railings and saw your mom whipping up breakfast. Pancakes, it looked like.

You stepped backwards into your room to get dressed. And since you weren't officially attending U.A, you decided to throw on your Junior High uniform.

After brushing your [H/L] hair, you decided to put it in a comfortable style to suit your liking. A [Insert hairdo here]. You proceeded to descend down the staircase eventually meeting with the floorboards. "Morning, mom." You greeted, sitting down at the table in time for breakfast to be served.

"Good morning, dear." Your mom replied, placing a fork down as well as chopsticks in case she wanted to be traditional for this occasion.

You clapped your petite hands twice, and went on to enjoy your breakfast. Both you and your mom held little conversation, probably because the two of you were thinking.

"Thanks for breakfast, I'll be off now!"

Your mom turned around quickly, and twisted the faucet water off. She then sped over toward you who began to walk over to the door. "Wait!" She called, startling you. She placed her hands gently on your shoulders and kissed your forehead, before tightly giving you a warm embrace which you felt like—lasted for decades.

"Make mommy proud, [Y/N]!" Your mom sent you a kind smile, and you returned the sweet gesture by smiling back.

"I will!"

Eventually, you saw the ginormous school known for heroes in the distance. You never realized how huge it was now that you've actually gotten the chance to view it with your own eyes.

"I'm already nervous.." You whispered, clenching your bag's straps in your hands. And as your eyes lifted, you noticed a familiar boy who stared at the building as did you.

"Mido-" He suddenly began walking, and with a squint of your eyes, you noticed he tripped over his own ankle and had soon went falling face-first toward the floor.

You winced, preparing to hear a thud followed by laughter.

"Are you okay?"

You heard nothing, only a feminine voice. After your eyelids parted, you didn't recognize Midoriya's savior.

It was a average heightened girl with short brown hair and eyes. "I stopped you with my quirk, I'm sorry that I didn't ask first.. But I thought you wouldn't mind me catching you."

"Oh, he's okay.." You muttered, and pivoted your heel to turn toward the left corridors. 'Midoriya already has a friend.. ugh, what am I doing..?' You became sullen, yet you attempted to push those thoughts to the back of your mind.

Focus on the Exams.

You proceeded onwards, toward the orientation room. And while you passed by, Midoriya recognized you from afar. By the time that unknown girl who saved him had left, he followed behind you in high hopes he could grab a seat beside you. Midoriya's anxiety and nervousness held him back from speaking to you at the moment. It looked like you were in deep thought too, so he didn't want to intervene.

You managed to snag a seat, which was conveniently beside Bakugou. The two of you didn't talk to each other, until Midoriya arrived and sat beside your figure. "[L/N], mind.. mind if I sit here?" He asked, his voice quivering due to Bakugou's glare.

You shook your head. "No, go ahead! I don't mind." With a reassuring gesture, he sat down next to you and diverted up toward the pro hero upstage; Present Mic.

He talked to all of the participants about how this exam will go. You lifted up your card to check where your specified battle center will be located. And it turns out, you're in battle center B, with Midoriya.

"Oh I see, they're splitting us up so we wouldn't work with any of our friends.."

Bakugou spoke, causing Midoriya to flinch. Nonetheless, he replied.

"Yeah you're right; our examinee numbers are one after the other, but we're assigned to different battle centers.. Huh..."

"Get your eyes off of my card."

You sitting in the middle, stared at your card. How come you were placed in the same battle center as Midoriya? It just doesn't add up. But being the person you were, you decided to keep your mouth shut.

But suddenly, a young man with blue hair, sharp spectacles had stood up and pointed out the missing error in Present Mic's words. He reassured the boy's concern, replying that the last bot he hadn't mentioned was worth Zero points.

You had to keep that in mind.

The boy also pointed out Midoriya's muttering, which you thought was a bit rude to throw at him. With a sigh, You turned toward Midoriya who cupped his hand over his mouth frantically in sorry. "Don't apologize..." You told him, causing him to peer up at you with brightened eyes.

"You're so nice, [L/N].." He muttered, catching a glimpse of Bakugou's eye on you.

"It's no problem." You loosely replied, returning your attention to the speaker.

The other with unkempt hair did so as well, and removed his hand from his mouth. He then pursed his lips.

'...I don't like the way Kacchan was staring at [L/N] earlier...'

He clutched his shirt, and narrowed his eyes. This strange foreign feeling he felt...

What is it?

By the time he finished pondering, orientation was over.

You stood up and made your way to out of the auditorium, Midoriya hastily following behind. "[L-L/N]! Wait up!"

Everyone stood in a huddle in front of the large metallic corridor. Through it, would be their battlegrounds filled with terrain and robots.

Midoriya stood beside you, watching you warm up by doing a bit of stretching to ready your muscles. Your eyes peered over toward the boy beside you, who trembled out of both nervousness and fear. You reached to pat his shoulder lightly.

"Don't worry, Midoriya! You'll do great!" He staggered a bit due to your sudden touch but in the end, he didn't seem to mind. He could feel his cheeks rise to a faint pink, but their moment was interrupted by the sound of the doors parting.

"Right lets start, get moving!"

A voice from above shouted. Both you and Midoriya became sidetracked and looked up at Present Mic who encouraged them. You both looked back down ahead and noticed everyone was already passing through the corridors. "We're already behind, let's get a move on Midoriya!" You shouted.

Let the entrance exams begin.

[Chapter END]

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