( Date! )

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You sat up on your bed and simply stared. Recently, you've been discovering new ways to prevent both you and Todoroki's death. And at this point, you began to grow used to replaying the same day.

You slipped on your uniform and walked toward your closet with a heavy sigh, and rummaged inside at ease. Eventually you pulled out an umbrella, and headed downstairs.

"Breakfast smells nice." You told your mother, picking up a bowl of rice before shoving most of the grains into your mouth.

Your parent nodded in agreement, but sweatdropped at the sight of you eating so indifferently than before. "[Y/N]? Are you okay?"

A simple nod was your only response, and you headed for the door.

"See you tomorrow, mom."

Your shoes clicked against the sidewalk as you walked belatedly to school, the umbrella perching above your head.

'That reminds me.. is there a quirk that forces someone into a time leap?' You passed by the gates while your finger tapped your chin lightly, curious if you or another student possessed a quirk like that.

'It couldn't possibly be me, I mean, come on... My quirk is luck.


I haven't been feeling lucky recently.'

You sheathed your umbrella into it's holders along with the rest, and peered down toward your hand. You then closed your eyes and leaned against the wall.

'I wonder how all of this even started, maybe I should.. capture Izuku myself?'

You shook your head frantically. "No no no! That's a death wish.."

"Death wish?" A voice behind you spoke. Your brain stopped to process the tone and eventually you tried to slide away. "Morning Izuku." You tried to keep your replies prompt and blatant, to make known that you didn't want to see his face at the moment.

You've seen him so many times that you thought you were beginning to hallucinate.

"Good morning [Y/N]." He spoke with a subtle smile, and glanced away from you. You quirked your brow. He's never diverted his gaze away from you without being shy.

You felt the sudden tingling sensation of hope, as you had an idea. Grasping firmly around Midoriya's hands, you smiled brightly.

"Hey, Izuku! How about.. we go eat together after school?" You began to nudge him, staring at him with a grin.
'This is it, I can prevent Todoroki's death!'

Midoriya stared at you, a bit flustered. "Oh, y-yeah! I don't mind." His eyes narrowed down to your hands holding one another. You expected him to accept, so you weren't very anxious.

"I'll meet you right when the bell rings, in front of the gates. Don't keep me waiting!" You chirped. In reality, you needed him to meet you ASAP. No time should be waned, or else he may kill Todoroki.

Soon enough you departed from his view. Midoriya felt an intense wave of happiness flow through him, he felt so happy he honestly didnt think this was real.

"A date with [Y/N].. finally!"

You quickly pivoted your heel around the corner, and panted heavily. Sweat rolled from your brow, and your lip had began to quiver.


'What did I just.. get myself into?'

Let's Go Plus Ultra. [Yandere! Izuku Midoriya X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now