( Tell Me Your Name )

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You stepped through the gates of U.A High, the prestigious school that's turned out some of the world's greatest heroes.

The thought of you becoming one made you shudder.

"Alright, keep it together [Y/N]. You can do this..." You muttered, proceeding into the building. Your class is supposed to be class 1-A, you believed. And right when you approached the door, you couldn't help but notice Midoriya standing outside of it nervously.

You flashed back to days ago regarding his weird texts, and quickly discarded the remembrance. Seeing the anxious look on his face had put you in the state of doubt. You shouldn't feel suspicious over your friend.

"Good morning, Midoriya!"

You called, causing him to pivot his heel. His face brightened, and his demeanor turned enthusiastic. "G-Good morning, [L/N]! His tone quivered, while his gaze lowered to your uniform.

'She's even cuter with the uniform on..'

"It's pretty obvious that we both have the same class, wanna head inside?" You asked, your hand already on the slider. "W-Wait!"

Too late. You slid open the door only to witness something truly horrific. Blood painted loosely against the walls, bodies shrouded and a few scattered around the classroom, followed a bright red engulfing into a puddle around your shoes.

Your eyes widened, and once you stepped back to blink; the image left fast as it came.

'What.. was that?'

You remained paralyzed, and Midoriya instantly recognized the uneasiness creeping into clear view on your features. "[L/N]?"

Snapping out of the unpleasant daydream you had, you looked at the worried male beside you. "O-Oh, sorry. I'm just daydreaming."

Midoriya wasn't convinced.

"Take your feet off of the desk, now."

"Huh?" The other smirked.

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property!"

"You're kiddin' me right? Your old school shove a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?"

Yep. Both you and Midoriya recognized these two. Bakugou, the infamous power-freak, and that guy with glasses who pointed out Midoriya's muttering during orientation. "Oh, hey!"

You quirked your brow as that familiar young girl had approached. Meanwhile, the boy in the background managed to start over with Bakugou and get introductions out of the way.

"My name is Tenya Īida.."

You averted your eyes promptly from Īida and toward the girl talking casually to Midoriya. He became flustered, nothing out of the ordinary. "I'm Oochako Uraraka. Deku right?"

Suddenly, Īida and Bakugou peered over. And steps grew closer toward them.

"Oh no! My name is actually Midoriya.. Kacchan calls me that to make fun of me.." Īida paused in front of Midoriya, staring at him as if he needed to say something.

Uraraka clasped her hands together with a small smile. "But I like it!"

"Deku it is then!"

Let's Go Plus Ultra. [Yandere! Izuku Midoriya X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now