( The End Of The Beginning )

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Both men breathed heavily, mildly injured.

Midoriya clenched Bakugou's shoulder, as he laid on top of him with a sharp, intent stare.

You covered your mouth, shocked and awake. You couldn't budge, the both of them had so much power, you felt if you'd intervene, you'd end up brutally killed.

Bakugou smirked, and gradually did he sit up, tightly grasping Midoriya's hand that laid on his shoulder. "You.. look tired already..." He chocked out, shoving a cocky grin.

In order to recuperate, Midoriya took a deep breath, still panting like he was having a heart attack.

"Give up already Kacchan... [Y/N] doesn't want anything to do with you.." He muttered, backing off of the other as he stood. Bakugou spitted out blood, and wiped the corner of his mouth.

"Oh yeah?! Just wait until I beat your ass!" His words ignited a spark in Midoriya, and he lunged forward, the other did the same.

The battle became ruthless. Every punch echoed, making it sound as if they were breaking each of their bones. Midoriya attempted to punch him, but Bakugou swiftly dodged and clenched his arm, folding it as he launched his body.

You covered your eyes, and heard Midoriya shout briefly out of agony as he collided against his wall.

"You... won't.. have her!" The boy rose to his feet, blood trickling down his fingertips while his arms became heavily bruised. Bakugou grinned slyly, and readied himself in an stance signaling his attack. In those serious red eyes of his, it looked as though he was yearning for the day the both of them would clash.

"You're already busted up Deku, you know you can't win."

You uncovered your eyes, and stared deeply at Midoriya who were faced with many odds. You felt something. Was it guilt? Or flutters of happiness?

Suddenly, you flashed back to his words;

"Why won't you love me back?"

You felt your heartstrings tugging violently against your heart, your mild confusion contorting into company. 'Should I stop them?..'

As much as you wanted to, your body refused.

"I'll... keep standing as much as I need to Kacchan.. If I can't use my arms then I'll use my legs, if not... I'll plunge your head in with my own skull..."

Bakugou took a powerful step toward Midoriya. "You've got a lot of mouth for a small fry!" With a loud strike, smoke filled the room. You braced yourself, while one hand pinched your nose.

"What was that?.."

Eventually, the smoke cleared, and your eyes focused on the boy with unkept hair who still stood. Bakugou attempted to tug his arm back numerous times, only to come into realization that his actions resulted in his left arm being unable to depart from the wall.

Midoriya stepped back, and looked toward you. He then smiled, and cocked his head upwards toward the roofing, which gradually began to crackle and collapse.

You finally stood up, and ran towards Bakugou. "I can't stand here and watch him die ...I  need to save him!"

Midoriya blocked your path and towered over your body as a large chunk of the roof had began to collapse. Dust filled your nose, and the other stroked your head lovingly.

"[Y/N].. I ... took care of him.." You felt yourself stumble backwards, taunted by his smile. The mixed emotions didn't help, but you knew for certain that you were heavily saddened.

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