( The Entrance Exams: Pt. II )

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"How did it end up this way..?"

You breathed heavily, sweat trickling down your face. Somehow in some way, you became separated from Midoriya after being launched by a robot's ambush. You scored Zero points in the making, and doubt, as well as discouragement hovered over your shoulders.

Hopefully, Midoriya was doing better than you.

You spotted a couple of students using their quirks for offensive attacks, which made you wonder.

Why couldn't you have quirk like that?

You dragged your legs against the field of dirt, while a robot attempted to strike you from behind. Until suddenly, a large chunk of the building directly beside it had collapsed against it, knocking it down to the ground resulting in pulverization.

You were quite oblivious to what had went around you, and proceeded until what you thought had felt like an earthquake- turned out to be an ginormous Zero Point obstacle, wrecking facades as it tried to make its way through the terrain.

Debris came downwards, right above where you stood in shock. 'Crap!'

You crouched down and wrapped your hands around your head, bracing yourself for a great and painful impact.

But it hadn't came.

You opened your eyes and lifted your head, pebbles and dust now raining down upon your body. It was then did you realize that you were trapped underneath debris, but yet you could see a partial bit of what went on outside. "Help!" You cried, "Someone! I'm stuck! I'll.. get crushed!"

All students in panic passed by you, unaware that you were even stuck underneath the pile. Just as you were going to give up, you noticed a boy sitting frozen in fear feet away from you.


You shouted, it being clear that you were too far from his ears. But, his head slowly turned toward the pile of debris you were under, and he could see your wonderful [E/C] eyes that glinted in desperation for aid.

"Nng..." A girl wailed, causing the two of you to perk your heads over. It was that girl from before, who prevented Midoriya's fall.

That's when the boy broke down into nervous sweats. Which one does he save? One or the other?

Gradually, he stood to his feet, wobbling while doing so. His legs jerked forward on their own, just before he crouched down to add a bit of momentum to his jump.

'..[L/N], I'll protect you until the end!'

Your widened eyes were set on Midoriya, questioning when he even learned how to jump so high. However, this wasn't the end of your thoughts. The boy with unkept hair brought his fist back, and shouted a single word from the depths of his heart.


Their adversary staggered back as the front of its face was smashed inwards, it soon started to twitch as it's robotic axis's exploded, creating an large explosion. The air became rippled, tossing back everything by the gust of wind.

Now in a frantic struggle, you watched Midoriya begin to fall toward the ground, there was nothing that'd possibly provide him a non-fatal landing.

You then noticed the familiar girl who caught your eye earlier lift herself from the surface by a piece of metal debris, only to slap Midoriya's cheek harshly.

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