( I'll See You Next Year )

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A'llo readers! I read your comments and I felt really encouraged to do more, so I'll do so!


It wasn't long before summer had rolled around the corner. You said your last goodbyes to your close friends and classmates, and exhaled, Time sure does fly by.

"[L/N]!" A high pitch voice called, sprinting over without warning. You quickly pivoted your heel, turning to face who the masculine voice belonged to. "Oh, Midoriya. What're you doing here?" You asked with a quirked brow. Midoriya placed his hands on his knees in struggle to catch his breath.

Wow, running a short distance could make him that tired?

It made you snicker unintentionally.

"W..Well, I.. Huh? Why are you laughing?" He asked in mild confusion, his face contorting into a nervous and frantic expression. He thought he may have did something weird, his nervousness being built up like this caused bullets of sweat to trickle slowly down his face.

"No.. it's nothing." You waved your hands, while your beautiful pair of [E/C] orbs lifted back up toward him.

You noticed him holding something. A burnt notebook it looked like. You squinted your eyes, trying to read the title. Unfortunately, his finger blocked a partial bit of the words.

He caught your lowered stare, and looked down. "Oh, this is my Hero Guidebook. I keep notes of all of the heroes I know."

You pursed your lips, disappointed in yourself for not thinking about that yourself. "Including All might?" You asked in a questioning tone, causing Midoriya's eyes to flare up in glee. "Yeah, All might! He's my inspiration!"

'̸̧̧̯̯̳͕̣̩͍̻͑̓͋̃͌̿̔̂͝J̴̨̧̢̧̻͓̮̹̰̤̗̤̝͛̅̅͗͒̉͆͊̈́̓̾u̵̱͖͓̺̞̿̂͗̓̈͑ͅͅs̶̨͇̮͇̖͉̯̏͋̿t̵͕͓͍̭̺̼̩͎͚͚̀̒̈̐͗̈́̕͜ ̵̡̥͓̰͖̞̬͓̱̯̽͒̕͝l̸̨̛̹͈͙̩͖͍̦̈́̈͛̓͌͛͑̕͠͠͠ͅį̵̻͙̼̰͎̟͗̏́̽́̋̿̆̈́̊͜͝͝k̶̘̞̻͔̱͊̏̊̈e̷̹͙͚͌̏̓͆ͅ ̸̨̢͖̺̱̦̺͂̔͛͋̈́̀̓̑͒̿̃͜ͅy̶͉̠̿̏̌͂͆̆̓̎̈́͛̈́̕͝o̷̩͙̲̲̮̭͉͇̟͕̖͔̐́̅̏̕͝͠ų̷̖͚̽͌̾̉́̏̓̿̈́͝͝,̵̡͎̺̳̰̈́ ̷͈͉̞̯̖̞̖͔͉̠̦̗̈́͗́͆́̿̄͛͜[̷̨̪̖͎̼̣͍͈̫̳̞̲̬̋̈́̇̎͊̇̋̇̃͜͝͝L̸̮͚̟͋͑̽̄͘͠/̵͔̯̘͉͎̮͎̠̍̀̈́̎̈́͜N̵̖͂̂͆͂̚͘͝͝͝]̸̡̨͚̬̞̗̙̰̲͐̃̉̋͛̿̀͂̉̔͒̚ͅ.̷̢̖̖͎̩̦̼̺͚̓́̓̂̇̀̐͑̓̾̃'̴̨̗̤͚͚̟̼̞̯̯̣͎̪̹̌͂̾͋̔̐̑͠͝

The enthusiasm embedded into his tone made you feel perky, perhaps he was the kind of boy who influences those around him.

"So.. [L/N].. You're going to U.A, right?" Or at least trying to?" You nodded, a bit hesitant while doing so. "..I'm a little nervous, since everyone else like Bakugou'll have cool and effective quirks."

Midoriya shook his head and waved his hands. "No! Your quirk.. is really effective. You receive luck all the time. And who knows, it might save your life one day!" His words made you shudder out of happiness. You smiled happily, and turned your head so it wouldn't be as blatant and open.

"Thank you Midoriya! I'll remember that. I'll... see you next year?"

"See you next year!"

As you began to walk away with your widening smile, the boy with green hair had a strange foreign feeling to flare out in happiness. And before he could march away happy-as-can-be, he was forced aside by a grouchy blond.

"Move it, Nerd!" Midoriya staggered back, and his expression of glee contorted into fear.

"S... Sorry Kacchan!"

You took a shortcut through a vast grassy terrain while on your way home, humming quietly while the warm breeze tickled your nose. "I need to train myself, maybe dad will teach me.." You narrowed your head, forgetting that your dad had passed away years ago.

He was a pro hero, just like your mom.

Overlapped in sudden sadness, you remembered the look on Midoriya's face, gushing out overflowing happiness.

'I'll smile just like him, I can't morn over the dead forever..!' You fastened your pace, reaching your house in a jiffy.

"Mom! I'm home!" You spoke happily, hearing dishes clatter in the kitchen, the fumes of noodles filling up your nose. "Welcome home dear, I made your favorite; Udon!" She exclaimed. [M/N] offered a seat at the table by beckoning with a kind gesture. You sat down and twisted in excitement to have the meal presented to you. Once your mom placed the bowl down, you instantly lifted up your chopsticks to begin devouring the flavorful food.

You watched a metal cup  of water scoot over towards only by a flick of her fingertips. [M/N] [L/N], the quirk that manipulates metal and can create a magnetic push or pull with only objects.

"Thank you.." You spoke in a quiet tone, causing your mother's presence to  become embedded with worry. "Sweetheart, you're feeling bad about yourself again?" She asked while watching as you slurped some riled up noodles coiled around your chopsticks.

In a simplistic manner, you nodded.

Why lie to your creator?

[M/N] pursed her lips. "Don't, you have a one of a kind quirk, always remember that. Your father.. he had a great quirk too." Eventually, you finished your food and licked your lips before standing.

"I know, mom.. a classmate earlier told me the same thing. I guess I'm forced to believe it then." A smile forced itself out into plain view, and you walked around the table over to your guardian to plant a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"I'm going to take a shower!"

You shuffled out of the kitchen and over toward your room, bringing clothes, towels, necessities like that. Once having reached the bathroom, you closed the door and took off your clothes. Once you sunk in and relaxed in the tub, you closed your eyes as your body became engrossed in water. The subtle liquid drifted to and from, being engulfed in water like this could easily put anyone in deep thought.

Your mind was blank.

Your ears rang.
But you could hear something.

Your clear thoughts turned into what you thought was a daydream. That faint noise you heard turned out to be pleading chokes.

"..He.. l.. p..."

It was followed by a raspy voice, something that'd make you shiver.

"H... He...lp.. m.. e."

In the end the voice came into recognition;

It was yours.

While your eyelids shot open, your body trembled, something only fear would cause. 'What was that??' You thought frantically, pushing yourself to the edge of the bathtub. Your heart raced, and so did your mind. 'Maybe it was a bad dream..' You didn't want to experience such a thing again, so you ended up getting out of the bathtub to change.

You jumped into bed still thinking about what had happened earlier. You were absolutely sure that voice was your own. Is that some sort of sign?
You were so tilted that night that your head ended up pounding and you had fell asleep.

[Chapter END]

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