( Killing Intent )

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Your eyelids parted gently, and your ears tuned out the sounds of your buzzing alarm clock.

You stared at the ceiling, your eyes widened.

'Did Todoroki die again..?'

You inhaled the same fumes as yesterday, and felt your throat go dry.

'Why...? I..I thought I prevented..'

Your hand slid upwards toward your phone. You grazed the object before realizing what you were subconsciously searching for.

After lifting it, you brought the device to your puffy eyes. It lit up by your touch, and as your irises read the date, they immediately swelled up in tears. The device slid from your hand and colllapsed against the mattress, meanwhile you pressed your forearm against your eyes.

There was a strong urge to cry, and you did. You cried so loudly your parent entered in mild and frantic concern.

"[Y/N]? [Y/N], what's wrong?! Are you hurting anywhere?"

She stood by the foot of your bed and uncovered your arm over your eyes. Your face was brightly colored, and you whimpered by your mom's touch.

"Mom.. I..."

Not after long you began sputtering. There was a crucial attempt to slither the simplest words out of your mouth, yet to no avail. You gripped onto the arms of your mother as she reeled you in to hug her. "I don't know what's going on, but you can tell me about it, okay?" Her words made you nod, although you didn't want to tell her.

"I'm off..."

You walked to school, grey clouds looming over your figure. Eventually it began to rain, much more harder than before. You scurried into the school building without much thought, and slid open the door to Class 1-A.

"Good morning."

You spoke quietly and lifted your eyes. And as you expected; Ashido sat ontop of Jiro's desk comfortably. You noticed she was speaking to you, and yet you diverted your eyes.

During class, Midoriya frequently peered over at you. He noticed you weren't in the same state of mind, and wanted to comfort you. Eagerly, he tore a corner piece of paper out of his notebook, and scribbled something inside. He attempted to slide the note over toward you, but nervousness jerked his hand back.

But taking a deep breath, the boy continued. The piece of paper was passed down to you way too early, and you fidgeted in your seat as you tried to regain consciousness from the boring lecture upfront.

'Strange.. it looks different.' You were too sad to view what was inside, and ended up pushing the note off of your desk. Midoriya watched this and frowned, his eyes narrowing.

You knocked gently against the large corridor, and waited patiently for a response.

"Come in."

Your legs trudged forward, and as soon as you entered, your eyes laid gently among the albino animal.

"G..Good Afternoon principal Nezu." You bowed, and watched him organize a stack of papers, a stapler in one hand. "Good afternoon to you, my student. I take it you need something from me?" As you approached his desk and sat on the comfy leather cushions, your head remained bowed respectfully.

"Would you um.. believe me if I told you, there's a murderer in this school..?-- Sir." The animal-polar-bear-mouse-thing laid down the stapler and stared at you with an unphased expression, as if he wanted you to be joking.

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