( Where It Doesn't Belong )

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"N..No, why would you? I'm sorry but I want some alone time.." The both of you stared deeply into one another's eyes, until Midoriya calmly lowered them onto the floor.

His eyes then widened, and you looked down out of crippling curiousity to see what he was looking at.

You stiffened, and your foot slid to shuffle a pair of shoes out of his view. However, you knew very well he spotted it and recognized who the shoes belonged to.

Midoriya tried to take a step inside, but you narrowed his entry. 

"Is Kacchan here..?" His smile made you feel uneasiness press down on your body, you also didn't notice Bakugou peering over from the couch.

Suddenly, he stood up and approached.

You gulped. "N..No.. He just asked me to take care of his shoes for a bit." Your tongue became crammed between your chattering teeth, resulting in a stutter.

In a swift motion, you felt a arm wrap around your right shoulder, and a chin press down on the top of your head.

"What are you lying for?"

He stared into Midoriya's green eyes, looking more than just irritated.

"I don't know what buisness you have with [Y/N], but just leave Deku." Your head perked up as he spoke of your own name, which made your chest tighten.

Midoriya's eyebrows furrowed, and he stepped inside nonetheless. "But I.. was... bored at home.." He walked by the doorway and walked toward the counters, lowering his sight at the view of glass mugs.

"..[Y/N], could I have tea?" His question made you flinch. You followed his eyes as they shifted away from the cups and toward your kitchen drawers.

Hastily, you removed Bakugou's arm and left him by the door, only to grasp onto Midoriya's wrist. "H..Hey, I think you should leave, I mean it."

The boy with green fuzzy hair darted his eyes to your hands and shriveled his arm away, only to gently hold your soft hands with a dark yet calm smile.

"Kacchan should leave too, then. If you're worried about his safety.. I'll walk him home."

You then staggered back and shook your head.
"No! Um, I'll walk you home?"

Everyone in the room froze, all that was heard was a grunt. "No way in hell you're doing that. ... Since this is such a big deal..-" Bakugou exhaled and pressed his palm against his face. "Let the nerd stay here."

Midoriya peered at Bakugou from the corner of his eye, almost emitting a devoid glare. Your fingertip twitched, all while you bit down on your lower lip in struggle to protest.

"Su.. Sure..." You whispered, and worridly knitted your eyebrows. Why is he here anyway? To kill you? What did you even do to him?
You covered your mouth, and slid away from the young men. "I need to go to the restroom for a second... I feel sick." Midoriya removed his eyes from Bakugou and turned toward you with a nod.

"Get well soon."

You stumbled into the hallway, it hadn't crossed your mind that Bakugou could've been in prime danger -- due to all the pressure you brought onto yourself.

"Seriously. This is the worst.." The boy with pale blond hair grumbled, pushing his hands into his pockets while shifting away from the doorway.

Midoriya pivoted his heel and noticed medicine rested motionlessly ontop of your counter on the left. He lifted it up, and realized it was meant to ease nausea or headache.

"Hey Kacchan. Since [Y/N] isn't feeling well I'll give her these pills, I'll be right back." The believable statement didn't cause him to think otherwise, and so Bakugou sat back down on the couch. The movie revealed the credits, in other words it had already came to a close. "Tch."

You turned off the faucet after wiping your clearly distressed face. You reached for your towel behind you with a sigh. "There's no reason to be so tense.. just, act like everything's alright [Y/N]." Wind caused by movement brushed your shoulders after your eyelids collided together, and as soon as they parted, you noticed a familiar boy stood closely behind you.

Your heart dropped and your eyes widened. Out of fear, you attempted to step back, only to meet with his chest.

"W ... What are you..-" He covered your mouth with his left hand while the other dropped the bottle full of pill tablets. It then slid up your waist and drew you closer to his figure with only one tug.

Midoriya pivoted his head near your neck and whispered with an unordinary grin. "I had a hard time understanding why you wanted me to leave.."

His tone made you shiver, and you felt fear dwelling up from inside.

'..What does he want? Am I.. Am I going to die again?'

Your eyes pinched closed and your trembling increased, however it slowed as soon as you felt the other remove his hand from your waist.

There was no gesture or small warning you could've broadly noticed. You winced, and felt your knees buckle as you had felt a needle sink into your skin. Midoriya pushed further with satisfied eyes, and pressed downward on the syringe's plunger.

He injected a tranquilizer.

"Pl..e..ase.. do..n't.." Your body grew heavy, and you felt Midoriya gently stroking your head while you collapsed backwards into his arms.

"Sorry [Y/N], I.. can protect you this way. Please. Have trust in me."

Those were the last words you heard before falling into deep slumber. The boy with unkept hair gradually crouched down and laid your body against the wall, eventually did he gently caress your cheek.

"I'll be back!"

Midoriya stepped out of the bathroom and successfully returned to the livingroom, locking eyes with Bakugou along the way. "So, did she take the pills?" He asked him.

Meanwhile Midoriya hadn't replied, becoming occupied in concern on how to deal with the infamous power-freak relaxed comfortably on the couch. He tapped his chin continously in wonder, his legs moving themselves into the kitchen.

Midoriya poured himself some tea, and lightly sipped from the mug with ease. "Hm..~"

Finally, Bakugou stood up and stretched his legs. "Tch. You better answer me! -- Wait, [Y/N] didnt come back yet..?"

Still, no response.

Bakugou glared at Midoriya and left him in his fantasy world, just to check up on you. While you did so, Midoriya placed the mug down with darkened eyes, and slid open the kitchen drawer only to extract a long cutting knife with a hum.

"Where's the bathroom.." His eyes laid upon the door. There was a weird turn in the atmosphere, but that wasn't enough to shatter Bakugou's nerves. He opened the door and widened his eyes at the sight of your slouched body.

'What the.. did Deku do this?'

He crouched down beside you and grabbed your wrist. Soon did he exhale after feeling for your throbbing pulse.

Midoriya stood behind the boy, inching closer as the time swiveled by. "Kacchan, you shouldn't stick your nose in things it doesn't belong.."

Quickly, Bakugou turned around. He was startled, and released your wrist as he noticed the blade Midoriya held swiftly aimed toward him. One hand attempted to shield himself, while the other covered your body the best it could.

A brutal and painful noise that sounded to be a deep stab echoed through the room, and blood dripped onto your shirt.

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