( Stuck In Between )

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"Hm, Recovery girl isn't here at the moment. I'll just set you down anyways." Todoroki spoke, turning around so his back would face away from the bed. He allowed you to slide off, however, you were reluctant in doing so.

You felt more safe in his grasp, embrace, ... presence.

But your obedience got the best of you, and you ended up sitting down on the soft mattress, with your round [E/C] irises staring below.

"So.. Should I head back?" Todoroki asked, facing you with his usual passive and placid expression which burnt holes through your eye sockets.

"O-Oh, no!" You shot your head up, and gripped your thighs. "I.. want some company right now."

'More specifically, his..' You drew a revene between you and your thoughts, and focused on the boy you had mild interest in. Todoroki got the gest and pulled out a chair from underneath a nearby desk, before setting it right in front of you.

He sat down and leaned his elbow against the armrest, staring at you.

You couldn't stare back, or your heart would've exploded. So instead, your [E/C] irises just slid away from the young man.

Todoroki parted his lips;

"Hey. I wan--"

"Oh, I have guests today! Class 1-A, too!" A short old woman entered, the both of you looked at her, and noticed a familiar figure tailing behind.

Your body felt heavy, and you felt your legs buckle and grow weak. It was Midoriya, being discreet about his presence. He was peering into the room with the creepiest glare that made you fear for your own life.

Those friendly eyes quickly amended into a dark glare, you even wondered if your crush had noticed it. It soon became clear that Todoroki didn't, and it didn't help a second of your uneasiness. He spoke to the old lady about how you skinned your knee, it only made her snicker.

Your lips quivered as you tried to speak out to him, prawing for his attention from Recovery girl.

By the time you looked back, Midoriya wasn't there any longer. You felt as though you were hallucinating, but it felt very real.

"I'll disinfect the injury and patch it up, that way I can conserve much of my quirk."

Todoroki stood up. "And I'll head back to class. See you later [L/N]." He left without hearing your protest. You stood up and tried to chase him, but the pain in your leg refused to lay at ease.

"This won't take long." Recovery girl spoke, rummaging through her lower cabinet.

"Oh, Todoroki is back already." Aizawa removed his hand from his pocket and pointed toward the track. "Set up over there next to Midoriya." The other waved toward him in a way to beckon him over, soon enough they stood side by side.

"On your marks, get set



It was now lunch time, and everyone was slightly sore. However they all were aware this wasn't compared to the training camp they'd be picked off into in a few months.

You nervously stood in front of your bag which was put into the classroom, and reached inside of it. In your hands, was a Bento Box saved for Todoroki. You also brought one for yourself.

"Oh, [Y/N]! I was looking for you." Midoriya entered the classroom with a subtle smile on his face, meanwhile you staggered back causing the both of you to flinch.

"What's.. wrong?" He asked, worridly. You shook your head and turned toward the window. "..I thought you were someone else is all. What do you need?"

It took a second for Midoriya to walk toward you, and he scratched the brim of his neck. "I wanted to join you and Todoroki for lunch... is that fine?"

You frantically shook your head. "I-I need to discuss something important with him, therefore you cannot!" The other frowned, and pivoted his heel away from your figure.

"A-Ah! It's fine... really..!"

He muttered, causing you to feel slight guilt. However, you didn't let your brewing emotion for him to get in the way of your desire.

Todoroki heard the two of you in the classroom, and decided to drop in. "[L/N], are you ready? Or are we going to eat in here?" He asked, parking as soon as he reached you.

You nodded in swift frantic motion.
"Yeah! Eating in here would be nice!"

Midoriya stood there, staring at the two of you conversing. His devoid eyes swelled up in tears, and as he was about to step forward, everyone pivoted their heads toward the noise coming from the hallway. Bakugou entered, ruffling his hair with closed eyes.

He opened them and stared at the group, before pausing.



There goes another boy. Bakugou calmly went to sit down, and rested his feet against the chair in front of him. "Hey... [L/N]. How about we go eat out in the courtyard?" Todoroki suggested, glancing over toward Bakugo. You nodded, as you could relate. The blond's presence was... very unsettling.

Midoriya watched the both of you exit, and facepalmed so hard Bakugou even flinched. "..It.. hurts so bad..."

The other nearby was confused, yet he scrunched his nose in irritation. "Then die, you damn nerd." Midoriya turned to stare, with corrupt eyes. However, it wasn't enough to break down Bakugou's steel wall he built out of his own illusive ego.

"What? You think I'm scared of you Deku?" He smirked, his eyes picking a fight with the other. Midoriya clenched his fists, and yet they released while his muscles relaxed.

Without muttering a word, he left the classroom in a calm resolve.

"S-So, is it.. good? I uh- I tried my best making them...! So, sorry if it doesn't suit your taste. So.. Um.." You fiddled around on the bench, while Todoroki stared at you with a placid, but yet amused expression. After the rice slid down his throat, he replied.

"Relax... It tastes good. And stop saying 'So', so much."

You straightened your posture, feeling perky due to the compliment. "Thank you so much! It.. means a lot."

Todoroki shook his head and lifted up the chopsticks. "Believe it or not, this is the first time I've recieved a boxed lunch from someone." You were.. his first? It was like having a first kiss. Your heart fluttered, and your eyes flashed with passion. "O-Oh, is that so?.." You muttered.

From the corner of your eye, you noticed Midoriya dragging his feet while walking toward the cafeteria.

You frowned.

'Sorry, Izuku.'

[Chapter END]

Let's Go Plus Ultra. [Yandere! Izuku Midoriya X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now