( Unintentional Confession )

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You and Bakugou left the perimeter of the park not after long, only by demand. It was a silent, but peaceful. You weren't sure if you had grew accustomed to the silence, but every time Bakugou attempted to start up a conversation, you kept your replies brief, and prompt.

However, you decided to contribute to his hard work in trying to muster out words to you, and you spoke to him out of compensation.

"How was your day?"

The young man looked sort of startled. He peered over towards you, his hands buckling in his pockets. "It was okay, you?" After his question you snickered, right before nudging him. "It turned out nice since a sour-puss decided to let me walk with him."

"Tch, shut up."

"So.. See you tomorrow?"

You asked Bakugou with a wave. His permanent scowl deepened, and extracted one of his hands from his pockets to scratch his nose.

You knitted your eyebrows due to his snobby remark. 'Sheesh we've been acquaintanced for two years.. at least give me a wave in return..'

As Bakugou approached his door, he suddenly turned to stare at you. His lips pursed, while the doorknob he held scorched underneath his palm.

"See you tomorrow, [L/N]."

You widened your eyes and felt your heart squeeze. He didn't even wave, he.. spoke to you! Sort of... sincerely.

The sound of his mother rang through your ears. "Where were you, Katsuki??!" Your hand lowered, while the schoolboy entered his home.

"Shut up, you hag!" Bakugou replied with a shout. And while the door closed, his mother screamed back.

"Listen here, little--" Click.

You felt bullets of sweat roll down your face, and a rather astonished look managed to glue to your face. "Wow.. I, um- Didn't think anyone would speak to their parents that way..."

After pivoting your heel, you left the area, your surprised expression contorted into that of happiness, a smile gracing your small lips.

"Maybe getting to know Bakugou would be beneficial.. for his part at least." You spoke with a hum, unable to feel the lingering presence behind you. Your legs stopped at the crosswalks, and the figure behind you grew closer.

"Huh.. maybe he and I could call each other by our first names, like me and Izuku.." Every time you spoke of that name, you flash back to the menacing look he emitted during the fitness test. He looked at Todoroki with a cold glare, like he was a pest.

However, You knew it was all in your head.

You knew, Midoriya had a good heart.

"It's free to walk." A voice beside you spoke. You peered over, and conveniently--it was the young man you pondered about.

"Oh, hey Izuku." You stepped forward, casually walking across the road. "I thought you were upset with me?"

The boy beside you had a long pause, before smiling faintly. "I could never bring myself to get angry at you, [Y/N]..." After his sentence you lowered your eyes, and you forced a grin.

"Touché." Was all that you could muster out, it felt like your body forced you to stay silent.

"So um.." Midoriya muttered. You reverted your gaze back toward him with a tilt of your head. "Hm?"

"It's about.. Todoroki."

Immediately, you began to worry. Your lips pursed and you stopped near an alleyway, trying to remain a placid face. "What is it?"

"I heard he's a villian.." Midoriya leaned in and whispered, causing you to stagger back midway into the narrow and damp alley obliviously.

You covered your mouth in attempt to stifle a laugh. "Him. A villain? Come on now, Izuku!" What you heard was truly amusing. Why would Todoroki be enrolling into a school that grooms teenagers to become heroes?

The boy nodded, an unnoticeable gentle smile creeping it's way to his face. "But I'm telling the truth! Don't you believe me?" He asked, watching you turn your head away, bursting into laughter.

Your occupation granted Midoriya a good opportunity. His hand slithered into his jacket's pocket, and eventually it touched an object.

His thumb pushed against the cap, it then rolled out of his pocket.

"No! I like him, so why would I?"

The both of you froze, and the thin cap collided onto the ground, rolling toward the exit. Midoriya stepped back, with widened eyes, and you simply stood there covering your mouth in shock.

'Did I really just blurt that out.?' You thought, trying to think of a way to dispose of this atmospheric situation.

"I, um.." Your hand lowered, and you noticed tears coming to show in the other's eyes.

"Izuku! I was just kidding..! Haha... funny.. the joke.." Midoriya wiped his his eyes almost instantly, and took another step back.

"No, it's fine if you like Todoroki.. But it's just that-"

Your eyes glistened as you knew where this was headed. For some odd reason, you felt as if you needed his approval.



"One second." You told him, powering on your phone to check whoever it was who could be calling you.

Realization smacked you in the face.

Your finger landed on the bright green button, and you pivoted your body away from the blinking Midoriya.

Cupping your hand over both the speaker and your mouth, you whispered.

"Yes, mom?"

"Dear, don't forget to stop by the store for lettuce and tomatoes! I need to cook ASAP--"

"Don't worry! I'm heading there now!" You ended the call before facepalming. Quickly, you looked at Midoriya who flinched.

"Sorry, I need to blast! I forgot that I needed to go shopping this afternoon!" You ran away, kicking the cap that had fell earlier with your foot.

Midoriya leaned against the wall, and extracted the object he held so tightly. He allowed it to collide onto the cold cement, while his red palm met with his face.

Sniffles could be heard, and tears dropped.

What was the object, you might ask?

A tranquilizer.

[Chapter END]

Let's Go Plus Ultra. [Yandere! Izuku Midoriya X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now