( Arising Selfishness )

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"My name?"

He turned only slightly, and diverted his gaze away from your own as if he had a difficult time speaking furthermore. "It's Shōto Todoroki..."

The name suits him well. Todoroki returned his eyes back up at you, and gave the silent gesture that you should politely share your own name.

"O-Oh!" You realized, "[F/N], [L/N]. You... do remember me right?"

Todoroki nodded, and stroked the back of his neck gently. "..Of course." His words made your heart flutter, and goosebumps started to accumulate on your soft skin.

"I mean, I did help you out. My mom told me that it's important to remember the faces of those you've helped."
This is the result of thinking too ahead; disappointment. A frown tugged against your lips and your heart rate steadied. There wasn't any romantic electricity sparking between you two, it was only one-sided.

"I'm gonna go now, I'll see you later." Todoroki threw a short wave and exited the classroom, oblivious to Midoriya's presence. He leaned against the wall, his head narrowed.

And as the young boy walked down the hallway, the other with unkept hair tugged on the tips of his forelocks. "I wonder what they were talking about.." He muttered, and slid toward the door only enough for him to peek inside. Midoriya noticed you sitting down, with a rather distraught and disappointed look on your face.

His fingertips twitched, while he leaned away from the door. His green irises stared deeply toward the boy down the hallway, and his teeth collided together in irritation.

'What did he.. say to her?'

Surrounding his arms were sparks and flares of green electricity. It crackled, and yet the producer couldn't hear it, noises from every corner was unable to ring through his ears. And yet, his eyes remained focused on the boy turning the corner.

His eyes were vast, and were as empty as a bottomless void. ".Why is.. [L/N] so sad..?" Before Midoriya could follow, the door being slid open snapped him back into reality, and the sparks recuperated back into nothingness.

"Oh, hey Midoriya. Were you waiting to go to lunch with me?" You asked, sliding the door close behind you. Him on the other hand, blinked profusely. Just a minute ago you looked sad, Was there nothing to worry about?

"Y.. Yeah. Let's go." He muttered, and walked beside you as you had began to head for the main cafeteria.

"Hey, over here!" Uraraka called, waving her hand. Doing this caused a boy with bright yellow hair and a black engraved lighting bolt on the side of his hair to look over. He also had brown eyes, and a grin replaced his lips.

"Fresh meat~."

"Kaminari.. they're our classmates."

There was about four or five other people sitting with them. Luckily there were three empty seats, so you and Midoriya sat with them.

"I'm Denki Kaminari, Sup." Kaminari folded his arm and bobbed his head back, meanwhile the girl with.. what it appeared to be headphone jacks facepalmed. "Stop trying to act cool.. It doesn't fit you."

She propped her elbows against the table, her food scooted aside. Meanwhile, an suddenly depressed Kaminari sulked. "Kyoka Jiro, nice to meet you two."

You and Midoriya knew the name of the next guy; Tenya Īida.

"As you both may know, I'm Tenya Īida." He didn't say much afterwards due to stuffing rice in his face... graciously.

Let's Go Plus Ultra. [Yandere! Izuku Midoriya X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now