( Something To Be Dealt With )

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"Wow, U.A's food is really good!" Midoriya choked out, lifting a bit of rice from his tray.

"It tastes like heaven!" You commented, patting your stomach after sinking in the booth. Kaminari snickered in remark from your actions, and leaned against the table.

"So [L/N], how about we go grab a bite at the burger joint blocks down from here? We could get to know each other a little bit more."

You sat up and used your pinkie finger to pick the meat strands that were stuck in between the crescents of your teeth. "Hm.. sure. Are you going to pay? If you are, then I'll go."

"Hell yeah, I'll pay!"

The girl with earphone earlobes rolled her eyes in discreet remark. "Kaminari the playboy strikes again.."

"I'm not a playboy!"

You turned to giggle, and peered over at who you thought would be sitting beside you.

'Where did Midoriya run off to?..'

The boy leaned against the cemented wall, with a rather shaken expression. 

"They're.. eating out together? So soon?" He muttered, his eyes lowering. They became departed from life, just an empty void. "My mind is telling me to do one thing.. but my body wants to do the other..."

He worridly clenched his blazer, flashing back to previous encounters.

"If I don't do anything, she won't be by my side.."

Midoriya peered down towards his arm. 'What if I use..-- No, All Might will instinctively know that it was my doing..' He removed his hand from his blazer and tapped his chin repeatedly, his thoughts now being rolled off of his tongue. Mutters laid relentlessly in the darkening atmosphere.

The sight of your face gave him courage, and a spark of happiness. You encouraged him, gave him the strength he needed, and most importantly;

Delusional love.

"..Don't worry, [L/N]! I'll rescue you from Kaminari's evil clutches..!" The boy forced a smile, which contorted into crooked disdain. His distorted desires engrossed his regular ambitious appeasing demeanor.

"Until my last breath."

"There you are, Midoriya! Where'd you go?" You asked, pressing your elbow against the table with a light smirk. Meanwhile he sat beside you and lifted up his fork, realizing his food had grew cold.

"Sorry.. I went to the restroom." His sudden cold eyes flicked up toward Kaminari, causing the other to flinch.

"..H-Hey, what's with the disapproving glare?" Kaminari asked, causing you to pivot your head and for Midoriya to look back down.

"I don't know what you mean."

By the time he could speak furthermore, Midoriya seemingly discarded his presence. "[L/N], I'll walk with you to class. We might have the same one anyway!"
You nodded, scooting your empty tray aside. Doing this caught his eye, while you stood to your feet.

Let's Go Plus Ultra. [Yandere! Izuku Midoriya X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now