( Meeting? )

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Finally, today is friday.

You entered the classroom with a heavy sigh, your clothes drenched.

"It looks like someone was caught in the rain~!" Ashido spoke teasingly. She sat on Yaoyorozu's desk, her legs kicking to and from.

"Ugh, I guess I should change into my hero outfit, huh..?" You muttered. Mineta shook his head, and wiggled his eyebrows.

"No need, I like what I'm seeing."

You rolled your eyes and turned your head toward the door as soon as you heard it slide open. Your eyes widened, and you fell into awe.

It was Todoroki, looking like an expressionless wet dog. You waved, and walked toward him subtly. "Morning Todoroki! It seems we both got soaked." You rubbed the back of your head, while the other pulled back his wet bangs. Surprisingly, it was like gel, remaining slick-back.

"I gave someone else my umbrella." He replied, and eyed your figure. Right, right, Todoroki is always prepared. He should've brought two though.

"Oh, I see!" The atmosphere felt strange to you, maybe the rain was the cause. Eventually, Midoriya entered the classroom. Clean and unscathed. You waved (yet again) toward him and watched him approach you and Todoroki.

Before he could utter another word, there was loud arguing that managed to catch your attention. And you were sure that all of you had heard it, due to the fact everyone cocked their heads from the door in which Midoriya last entered through.

"Where's my baby?? Please, this is UA, you've got to know where he is!"

The figure tugging on Mr.Aizawa's arm begged, tears rolling down her face like a fountain. Her assumed-to-be husband held her back from consulting the faculty member any longer, yet he had a great look of worry on his face.

"He was here last..! The staff should know right?"

Mr.Aizawa sighed, before shaking his head. "I'm afraid Kaminari went home right when school ended, at least that's what I know."

"It's been a week..." The woman beside her husband turned to weep into his masculine arms, her trembling made you sort of afraid. Present Mic arrived not after long and escorted the couple away from the classroom.

The man known to be your teacher slid the door closed, and approached the front podium. There was a long pause, but eventually he spoke.

" ..Denki Kaminari has been reported missing for a week now. And those people at the door just now were his parents." A few students in the classroom gasped or widened their eyes in disbelief.

"There's a chance.. he might've been killed, or taken by a Villain. Possibly a civilian too. Now, if any of you know where his last whereabouts were then please tell me."

It remained silent, before Jiro stood up. "If it helps, [L/N] and Kaminari were last seen together."

You perked up, and recalled that you did go to the burger joint with Kaminari. But you were sure that he had went home.

"We only hung out, I swear he had went home that same afternoon!" Everyone believed what you said. I mean, a person like you couldn't possibly commit a crime, right?

"You're still a possible suspect [L/N]."

Mr.Aizawa pushed his hands into his pockets and lowered his eyes. "Please everyone, do not take this situation lightly, but let's get on with today's lesson..."

In the midst of writing, you felt something light poke your elbow. You peered downwards and noticed an unfamiliar piece of folded paper had landed on your desk. You lifted it up before unraveling it.

Midoriya watched this unfold from the corner of his eye.

[See what I did there?.. Pff, I'm hilarious ---


Laugh. Now.]

Your eyes scanned the neat handwriting gently. It reads:

>Meet me in the art room after school, it's important. Come alone.<

You didn't know how to feel about this. Should you go? But what if it's a confession? Then again the letter could've been from Todoroki.

You've made up your mind; you're going. As you scooted the note toward the corner of your desk, Midoriya had already finished reading it. He pursed his lips, and clenched his fist that laid ontop of his desk.

Instantly, he turned his head toward Todoroki with a ruthless glare. He spotted him holding an envelope underneath his desk. This made him ponder;

'A.. confession letter?'


>[4:58 P.M.]<

You stood in front of the door to the Art room. Tightly, you clenched the note that was discreetly passed to you earlier today. After one deep breath, you entered. And to your pleasant surprise, it was Todoroki. He stood there with his usual passive and placid expression, watching as you entered slowly. "Hi, Todoroki. Why'd you request to meet me here?"

The boy walked toward you and parked near the last window. He lowered his gaze, but diverted it back towards you. "I've noticed... you've been watching me a lot recently." He started, causing your cheeks to flush.

"Oh! If you're.. creeped out about it then I guess I should stop. Was thay all? I'll see you tomorrow!" You turned the other way stiffly, and walked toward the door.

"[L/N] wait. I'm not finished." Todoroki grabbed your shoulder, and you felt if you muttered another word, it'd scramble ruthlessly into stutters.

"U-Um, what is it?" You asked, not even daring to look at Todoroki. He noticed this and reluctantly turned your figure around.

"I wanted to..--ask you about the weather?.." The both of you blinked, before you paused to tilt your head.

'Did he just ask about the weather? Hold on, he's nervous isn't he?' You thought, your eyes twinkling in awe. Nonetheless, you played along to save himself from embarrasment.

"Yeah! Although it's been raining all day.." You peered toward the window, staring at the students in a hurry to leave.

The boy before you crossed his brows, and turned toward you. He held the envelope behind his back, and squeezed it tightly.

"Listen, I.."

"Oh. Am I intruding?..." Spoke a familiar voice. Green hair combined with shadows, and dull green irises which were usually filled with life.

"Good afternoon, Izuku.." You felt
Disappointed that he yet again, did intervene. Todoroki stared at the boy, and shoved the envelope into his back pocket.

"Yeah, you actually were. But it's alright." He spoke honestly, causing your shoulders to raise.

The both of you noticed how he hasn't entered yet, like he normally would. He simply stood there with the door parted halfway, like in those horror movies.

"..." It became awkward after Todoroki's last comment. But eventually, Midoriya entered the room. Both pairs of eyes flicked over to what was behind him;

"A crowbar?"

[Chapter END]

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