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Still Harry's POV.
Music playing loud, driving down the motorway not paying attention to what's in front of me, I look out of my window, raindrops rolling down it. Next thing I know I hear a loud bang and everything's gone black.

Josh's POV.
I get a call from the hospital saying Harry's had a really bad car crash and is in hospital. My jaw drops in shock. I run up to simons room as all the others are out and knock on the door.
"Come in!" Simon shouts
I walk in, with my heart racing fast.
"Simon, it's Harry..."
"What about him?" He asks confused
"He's had a crash and he's in hospital"
Simons Jaw drops and tears come to his eyes, Simon and I both put on our trainers and walk out to the car. I decided I was driving as Simon was crying a lot.

Simons POV.
I cant believe this has happened. I lean my head against the window like they would in movies and tears roll down my face. Josh puts his hand on my shoulder.
"He'll be fine Simon" Josh says moving his hand back to the wheel.
"But what if he's not Josh, what if he doesn't pull through it" I say lacking confidence.
"He will be, he's strong enough to pull through this, don't worry" He says as a tear falls from his eye.
I never knew how much he meant to me until now. We finally got to the hospital and I quickly ran in, the ladies at reception told us he was in room C6. I quickly walked there, as I walked into his little room he was in, I broke down in tears. Josh put his arm around me as I cried into his chest. Josh sighed, and kept telling me he'll be alright and he will pull through it. I went to sit in the chair next to him and stared at his face whilst Josh texted the rest of the boys what happened. He had cuts on his face and body from the glass shattering from the impact of the cars crashing. Josh walked of into another bit, I assume to call one of the boys. A few minutes later I heard Josh shouting down the phone, I was curious as to what was going on but I had to stay with Harry.

Josh's POV.
I went into another room to talk to JJ on the phone telling him what happened.
"What do you mean you cant come?!" I shouted down the phone to him.
"Josh! I already told you. I'm busy!" JJ said sharply.
"Why cant you cancel the plans! Harry could be dying and you don't even care!" I say getting very heated.
"I do care Josh! I cant cancel the plans it's re-"
"Oh let me guess important?!"I say cutting him off.
"Fuck off JJ" I say ending the call.
I walk back to Simon and Harry to see Simon holding his hand.
"You okay Josh?" He says looking up at me with tear stained cheeks.
"JJ's a dick" I say slumping down on a seat next to Harry and rolling my eyes.
"What's he said now?" Simon says sighing.
"He can't come to see Harry because apparently he has more important plans and he can't cancel as they're 'really important'" I say making the quote signs.
"Fuck sake, Harry could be fucking dying and he's got more important plans? Are you fucking joking!" Simon says getting very annoyed.
"Simon chill, don't get too annoyed, you know what happens when you get annoyed." I say with fear as I don't want me or Harry to get punched in the face.
"Anyway Ethan's on his way right now" I add on.
"Good" Simon says obviously annoyed with JJ.

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