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Simon's POV.

I genuinely feel bad for kissing JJ, I do love Harry, I love him more then ever. I wish I never went to see JJ, but to be honest I'm glad JJ and I sorted out things. All I could hear outside JJ's door was Harry's laugh, I couldn't help but smile slightly until I heard Ethan's laugh, my smile faded away and I started thinking. Has he already moved on? Why did he kiss Ethan out of everyone else?

I've fucked everything up, like I always do.

I got up of JJ's bed and walked out, slamming the door as hard as I could behind me and stomped away to the kitchen, trying to avoid eye contact or even looking at Harry. I couldn't resist it, I grabbed Harry's wrist and pulled him to my room, locking the door behind us.

"Uhm, what do you want JJ lover?" Harry says rolling his eyes.

"You..." I mumbled.

"Uhhh, clearly not"

"I do, trust me Ha-"

"Oh okay so, kissing somebody else who you recently fell out with, and was fucking talking shit about is you wanting me!" Harry shouted at me.

"Harry please calm down" I say walking towards him.

"Calm down?! How the fuck can I calm down when you're fucking kissing JJ! Don't even touch me Simon!" He says pushing me back.

"Harry, please. I love you."

"No Simon! You dont love me, you had you're fucking chance and you blew it!"

"Harry, please can we just like hug and make up" 

Harry's POV.

"Harry, please can we just like hug and make up" Simon said to me with tears rolling down his face.

With that, I unlocked Simons door and walked out.

I slipped on my adidas superstars and an adidas jumper.

I slowly opened the front door and walked out, the cold breeze hitting my face and just about drying the tear that fell from my eyes. I act like I don't care but... I do... I fucking love Simon.

Slowly walking down the road I hear two familiar voices calling my name, I turn around to see Ethan and Josh. I ran further away from them until they finally caught up to me. 

I looked at both of them and broke down in tears.

Josh and Ethan both hugged me so we were in a little group hug.

"Im such an dick" I say sitting on the floor.

"You're not, you have a good reason to be mad" Josh says putting his arm around me.

"But I just act like I don't care when I do" I say sighing.

"Text him, tell him how you feel" Ethan says ruffling my hair.

(Harry and Simon's texts below)


Hey Si, I just wanna say I love you so so so so much, even though what you did was wrong :/ . I think I can forgive you even though I fucking hate you for kissing him. I can't handle not talking to you and not being with you. x

                                         Si <3

I love you too Bog, I'm so sorry Harry, come home and we can talk this out xx


Okay, i'll be there in 20, ily x

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