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Nothing matters except Harry. He is the moment, this moment. He is the only moment.

"Kiss me," Simon said softly.

Simon always thought as a kid he would be kissing a girl. Now it doesn't matter. Harry kisses him. The kiss is returned with longing. A longing for a life they will never have.

"I love you," Harry whispers. "The crazy, brave muddle that is you."

"Harry, just stay with me. I can't lose you." Simon says.

"I will be with you," Harry says. "I won't leave you, I promise. I never break a promise."

Simon and Harry fall asleep, wrapped up in each other.

Harry wakes up, terrified. Someone was untangling them.

Two men in white coats and masks over their faces. They pulled Harry up off the mattress. Harry stands back, dazed. The men were bending over Simon, listening to his chest.

"Whats wrong?"

"Move away." Says a white-coated man.

Harry takes no notice. One of the men is speaking in the Mother Tongue to his colleague. Harry didn't want to hear what they were saying. Harry knew it wasn't good. He could see it wasn't good. Just one look at Simon tells him that. His face was grey.

"Simon..." Harry says.


Simon's breathing was all wrong.

A guard came to take Harry out. A white coat stops him. Harry kneeled down beside Simon. He whispered in Harry's ear.

"I love you... so much."

Harry didn't get time to reply. The guards have the patience of a gnat. Harry was pulled to his feet, he was fighting them, he didn't care what they did to him.

"Simon!" He shouts. "Don't go without me..."

All the men started laughing, Harry became confused as he was let go from the 'guards' grip. They all took of their masks, Harry soon realised it was the rest of the boys pranking him.

"Fuck sake," Harry shouts. "Don't ever do that again!"

Simon got up off the be and went to hug Harry, smiling.

"How did you get your face grey?" Harry asks, poking Simon's cheek.

"Makeup." He says, getting a baby wipe and wiping it off his face.

"I hate you guys." Harry says sighing.

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