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I miss mine and Simon's friendship, we were so close. I just wish I could be friends with him again, as much as he hurt me I can't handle not speaking to him everyday and not running around the house with him, I guess I'm just going to have to forgive him and forget what he said. Whatever happens I'm always going to love him even if he doesn't love me back.

 I slowly walk out of my room and walk over to Simons room and walk in as his door was wide open, I look around and notice he wasn't in there. I search the rest of the house and can't find him anywhere. 

"Josh!" I shout as I notice him in the kitchen,


"Have you seen Simon?"

"He's gone out with Harry, Jide" He says whilst pouring a drink.

"Oh.. okay" I say frowning and slowly walking back up to my room.

I know I shouldn't care about it and should be happy for him, but I can't, I mean I am a bit happy for him but it just hurts when the person you loved and had feelings for doesn't even love you anymore. I thought he loved me, I thought we were the person for each other. Apparently not. All the kisses we shared, cuddling in bed, running around the house together, its all gone to waste. Its like we're strangers back in school again, what does he even think of us, or even think of me. He probably hates me with passion.


So how are you guys liking the story so far? If you have any ideas please don't be afraid to share them with me. So this was just a little bit of JJ's thoughts and feelings about everything thats happened between him and Simon.

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