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(In Harry's POV.)
I sat on the end of Simons bed, watching Simon edit. He looked cuter then cute when he was editing, his concentration face was hot as fuck. I went over to his chair and sat on his lap, smiling at his slightly frustrated face. He picks me up and puts me on the floor as I sigh and glare at him.

"Simooonnnn." I groan.

"Yes, Harry?" He asks, slightly annoyed.

"Nothing." I giggle as Simon rolls his eyes.

"Moody." I mumble.

I sigh and walk downstairs to the spare, empty room. I lie down on the floor as someone walks in.

"You okay?" Simon questions.

"Yeah." I smile.

"Why you in here?" He asks

"You're editing, so I gave you peace." I say whilst yawning.

"You can come up it's fine, plus you should probably get some sleep." He laughs.

I smile and run into him, he puts his arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around his waist. We walked up to his room, he laid me on the bed and kissed my forehead.

"Love you, Harry." He said smiling and going to sit in his chair.

"Love you more, bubba." I said, hoping he wouldn't hear the name I called him.

"What was that?" He smiled.

"I..I said I love you more." I could feel my cheeks getting hotter.

"No, what did you call me." He smiles even more.

"Bubba..." I mumble.

"Cute." He says going back to editing.

I smiled to myself and slowly drifted off to sleep.
(Simons POV.)
I had finished editing a new video, it was only a little vlog. I slowly spun around in my chair and pushed myself out of it, walking out of my room and upstairs to the gym.
I (tried to) hold a plank for sixty seconds, (tried to do) twenty-five pushups and punched the bag that we had in there. I then went onto doing bench presses. My eye caught something more interesting, I stopped doing bench presses and walked over to the corner of the room to see a packet of oreos, I quietly opened the packet and started eating them, making myself feel fat as fuck.

"Ethan!" I shout.

"What?" He shouts back.

"Want some oreos?"

Next thing you know, Ethan's running up the stairs and sitting in front of me, waiting for oreos. I hand him the crumbs that were left in the packet and walk off, laughing to myself.

"Simon! There's none left!" He says.

I carry on laughing and walk back down to my room, closing the door behind me.
Harry was still sound asleep, I got undressed and slowly climbed into the bed, wrapping my arms around his waist and my other hand was running through his soft hair.

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