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Simon sat on his bed with his arm around Harry, not caring that he hadn't showered for days or he's been wearing the same clothes for days. The only thing that bothered him was that he hadn't eaten.

"Harry, please eat something." Simon pleaded.

Harry looked up at Simon and sighed. He slowly lifted himself up of the bed and walked down to the kitchen. Harry looked through the pantry and picked up a bag of doritos and a lucozade. He then stumbled back upstairs and into Simons arms again.
After Harry had finished eating, he jumped into a hot, steamy shower. Once he got out he dried his hair, so it was just about damp. He then walked out with a towel round his waist, just about showing his v-line.
Simon stared at Harry.
"You're staring, take a picture it'll last longer. " Harry chuckled.
Simon quickly snapped out of the stare, acting like nothing happened.
Harry was about to walk out of Simons room until his wrist got grabbed from behind.
"Where you going?" Simon said as Harry turned around.
"My room, I need to put boxers on." Harry smiled.
"You don't haaaave to put boxers on."
"I do Simonnnn." Harry groaned.
"You donttt, it's fine"
"I do, and i'm going to" Harry said walking out and to his room.

Harry quickly put on some Calvin Klein boxers and one of Simon's tracksuits that Harry kept. He then walked back over to Simon's room, well tried to anyway. He pushed down on the handle and noticed the door wouldn't open. He tried again and noticed Simon had locked Harry out of his room. Harry sighed and walked back to his room, slamming the door shut and slumping down on his bed. He knew Simon was just playing around, but sometimes Harry got annoyed over nothing. One minute he could be the happiest boy alive, the next minute he could be the moodiest boy or person you have ever seen. When he's moody, you don't want to annoy him even more. He heard a knock on his door. He replied with a simple 'what'. He heard nothing in reply so he just ignored it. Harry never quite knew how his mood changed so easily, it had gotten worse as he got older. 

Harry slowly, started to drift off to sleep. Harry felt someone gently lower themselves next to him and cuddle him, Harry just assumed it was Simon and cuddled into them.

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