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Simon's POV.
Me,Harry,Josh,Ethan and Tobi went out to film a crossbar challenge for Ethan's channel,I quickly kissed Harry on the cheek before the video started, he started blushing, so I started squeezing his cheeks, trying to hide it. By then the video had already started as Ethan was doing the intro, Harry and I just ended up rolling around on the floor laughing like little children. After a few minutes we finally got up and stopped laughing. It was finally time for one of us to attempt to hit the crossbar, Harry offered to go first, so he did. Harry had 5 tries at trying to hit the crossbar but failed all of them.
"You're shit!" I said laughing.
"Fuck you" He replied with a cheeky smirk on his face.
"I love you" I say laughing again.
He looks back at me and smiles whilst walking over to Josh. Harry had the cutest smile ever, it was like a little kids smile. He so sweet and cute and I love him so much. I got lost in my thoughts about Harry I didn't hear all the boys shouting my name. Josh slapped my head to try and get my attention, I guess you could say it worked as I soon got up and started kicking balls. I finally hit the crossbar on my last go, all the boys ran up to me and literally dog piled on me, but something got me the most.. Harry kissed me on the cheek secretly, so no one knew and he whispered 'I love you' into my ear,once everyone got off me I smiled at Harry and walked over to him and pulled him over to the other side of the pitch we was on, no one else was here, just the boys and I. I pushed Harry up against the fence and kissed him gently, saying 'I love you' in between each kiss. I kissed him again but more passionately this time, his hand rested on my chest and my hand was rested on his lower back. It had been about 5 minutes of us kissing but suddenly Josh stopped us, we both jumped and Harry's heart started racing, but he calmed down a little when he saw it was Josh.
"Come on love birds" He said making sure he said the last bit quietly.
We both laughed as we walked back over to Ethan and Tobi. After we had finished filming the video we all went to Starbucks, me and Harry got Frappuccino's and the boys got iced tea. I drove the boys back to the Sidemen house in my Range Rover, I made Josh,Harry and Tobi sit in the back whilst me and Ethan sat happily in the front. I looked back at them to see them all squashed up with Josh in the middle getting squished the most, I looked at Josh and laughed, he had a little child's look in his face when they wouldn't get what they wanted.
"You alright back there Josh?" I laughed.
"Yep, I like being squished" He winked after
"EWWWWW" We all said laughing.
We finally got home and first thing I did was drag Josh up to his room.
"OWWWWW SIMONNNNN" He whined like a little child.
I closed and locked the door behind us.
"Is this some sort of porno?" Josh asks laughing.
"No, shut up. I need your help you dimwit" I say flicking his head
"Owwww. What do you need help with?"
"SHHHHHH" I say cutting him off so no one hears
"Sorryyyyy" He says jumping around like he's just been told he's going to Disney Land.
"You're such a child" I laugh.
Josh sits on the bed with a huge smile on his face wanting to know how I'm going to ask him.
"I wanna make it special"
"Wellll you couldddd take him t-" He gets cut off my a knock on his door.
He stands up and opens the door.
"C..could I talk to S...Simon please" Harry says stuttering looking at the floor.
I walk over to Harry and bring him into the kitchen.
"You okay Haz?" I ask very confused.
"Well... when we w..were filming t..the video y..you said I l..love you"
"Yeah?" I raised my eyebrows at him, at this point i was very confused.
"The c..camera was r..recording a..and you s..said it in f..front of t..the boys..."
"So? They're not going to judge you Harry. Look, I'll go speak to Ethan and ask him to cut that part out."
"Okay... t.thanks" He says smiling slightly.
I smile back at him and walk up to Ethan's room, I patiently wait outside his door after knocking. After a few seconds he opens the door and allows me in.
"You alright?" Ethan asks.
"Yeah I'm good thanks, I need a favor."
"Okay..." At this point Ethan was very confused.
"So, you know the video we filmed for your channel"
"Yeah.." Ethan said raising one of his eyebrows.
"So there's a bit in the I said 'I love you' to Harry, do you think you could cut that out whenever you edit it. Harry doesn't feel comfortable with it being in the video."
"Oh yeah of course I can" He smiles.
I get up and hug him.
"Thanks bud" I smile back at him.

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