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I was still hurt from what Simon said, I guess I deserved it, I've never been hurt more in my life. I walked over to Simons room and knocked lightly on his door. I slowly walk into to see him and Harry cuddling, Simon's head was buried in Harry's chest. Harry sleeping in Simon's arms.
"Simon..." I say quietly.
"Get out JJ" He says also trying to be quiet but making it clear he hates me.
"Can we please just talk" I say hanging my head.
"I think I've said what I need to say to you"
"Please Simon"
"No!" He says trying to be quiet.
"Please, I'm begging you"
"Fuck sake, fine" He says rolling his eyes and gently standing up, trying not to wake Harry up.
Simon and I walked out of his room and into my room.
"Right,what do you want" Simon says walking into my room leaning against the wall.
" .. you really m..meant what you s..said the o..other day.." I say stuttering
"Yes, I did JJ" He says rolling his eyes.
"What about everything we've had.."
"Fuck everything we had JJ!" He said getting angry.
"But.. Simon.. all the kisses we shared"
"Fuck all the kisses JJ!" He started shouting.
"B...but, we had so many memories" I said as tears start falling from my eyes.
"Jide! I've already told you! Fuck everything we've had! I don't love you anymore!" He says shouting the loudest he could making sure everyone could hear him.
"What part of I don't love you don't you understand! I'm in love with Harry now! Fuck sake." He said as he walked out of JJs room and slams the door shut.

Harry's POV.
I woke up to the sound of arguing... I listened a bit more obviously it was JJ and... Simon? One sentence shocked me... in a good way. "I'm in love with Harry now" I couldn't believe it, This surely couldn't be real. I pinched myself expecting it to be a dream.. it wasn't.

Josh's POV.
I was in my room with Ethan, Vik and Tobi. We all heard the argument. We just looked at eachother in shock. I quickly ran downstairs knowing Simon was going to start drinking.. he always does when he's angry. He either punches someone or starts drinking. I find him in the kitchen about to get himself a beer.
"Simon.. don't"
"Go away!" He snapped.
"Simon please.. I don't want you to get drunk and do something stupid.
He sighs and put the beer back in the fridge and walks over to me, leaning on my shoulder. I sigh as he probably feels like shit.
"Go and cuddle Harry, we all heard that you love him" I chuckle.
"Oh shit... you did?" He says trying to hide his smile.
"Yes of course, you were shouting quite loud"
Simon smiles as he walks off up to his room.

Simons POV.
I walk up to my room and open the door to see Harry awake.
"Oh shit sorry, did I wake you up?" I ask Harry, knowing the answer.
"Yeah, it's fine though don't worry" He says smiling up at me.
I lay next to Harry putting my arm around him.
"Simon.." Harry says my name as if he was confused.
"Did you mean what you said earlier?" He says looking into my eyes.
"What? That I love you? Yes of course I meant it." I smile at him.
He smiles back as he sits on my lap. He continues to smile at me until I lean in and kiss him passionately, he kisses me back as I slowly lay him down. I break the kiss as I take my top off and he takes his off. I kiss down his neck before kissing him on the lips again.
"Simon! Harry! Come on we need to recor-" Josh says walking into my room but gets cut off when he realizes Harry and I are literally on top of eachother kissing. I quickly get of him and look up to Josh.
"It.. it wasn't what it looked like" I say to Josh
"Guys, dont worry you know I'm not gonna tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me. " He smiles at us
"Thanks Josh" We both say hugging him.

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