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Simons POV.
I walked out of my room realizing what I just said and face planted. As I walked out I saw JJ, I looked at him in disgust as I carried on walking. He grabbed my arm.
"Let go!" I say trying not to be too loud.
"No, Simon we need to talk"
I roll my eyes and turn to him.
"About what JJ" I snap at him.
"What you said..." He says looking at the floor.
"Ight say what you wanna say"
"Did you mean.. what you said?"
"Yes!" I say sharply
"Why? That hurt me you know."
"I don't give two fucks if it hurt you, I hope I hurt you worse then anyone has before!" I say getting louder
"Simon..!" He says starting to shout.
"What?! You wasn't there for Harry! That probably hurt him!"
"Simon I.. I was bu-"
"Ohhh you was busy? So was I JJ! But I still made the effort to go and see Harry and cancel all my plans!" I say cutting JJ of.
"I had to film videos and-"
"SO DID I JJ! BUT I STILL WENT!" I say shouting louder then I ever have before.
"Simon but they needed to be done"
"I'm fed up with your  bullshit JJ. Dont talk to me. I mean it this time you fucking dick" I say walking downstairs to the kitchen. I get out a can of beer from the fridge and down it in 5 seconds, I then go onto another and another until, my vision is blurred.

Ethan's POV.
I was woken up by the sounds of glasses smashing and a drunken person singing. I walk downstairs to see Simon dancing around the kitchen with a beer in his hand, I look at the table in front of me to see about 15 beer cans, I sigh and walk over to Simon avoiding the glass on the ground from a smashed cup. I take the beer out of his hand and carry him up to his room laying him down on his bed next to Harry. I walked out and closed to door behind me and went back to sleep.

Harry's POV.
I woke up next to Simon, my heart started racing. Am I supposed to be here? I don't remember anything. I looked down at myself and saw bandages and cuts everywhere.I quietly got out of bed trying not to wake Simon. I jumped in the shower trying to be as quiet as possible. I then got into some joggers and a white t-shirt. I brushed my teeth and walked out to see Simon still asleep. I got out my deodorant and accidentally dropped it. "Fuck" I whispered to myself. I turned around to see him still sound asleep.
"Harry? What're you doing?" Simon says with a croaky voice and his eyes half closed.
"Oh.. I..I woke up in y..your bed.. I'm g..going now, don't w..worry" I stuttered
"No it's fine, come back to bed" He groaned
"Harry come on,you need to rest after what happened yesterday"
"Fine" I sigh as I lie uncomfortably next to the blonde boy.
I was just staring up at the ceiling until an arm wrapped around me makes me jump. I look over to Simon looking at me smiling. I faintly smile back as the pain from my cuts is overtaking my emotion.

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