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Simons POV.

All I've been thinking about is Harry, I can't take my mind off him. I really want to take things further, as in asking him to be mine. I just feel like he doesn't trust me and I feel likes he will say no and I hate getting rejected. Josh gives the best advice, I need to talk to him.

I get up off my bed and walk over to Josh's room. His door was wide open so I walked in and saw him lying on his bed.

"Josh, I need advice." I say closing the door behind me and sitting next to him.

"With what?" He asks sitting up.

"Harry, I want to ask him to be mine but I dunno. Is it too early?"

"Hm, well as you guys have just had an argument with all the kissy wish stuff, i'd leave it a few days so he can trust you again, even though I'm pretty sure he already trusts you enough after what you did yesterday." He said smirking.

"Shut up" I laugh.

"Thanks for the advice Josh, love you bro" I add on.

"Your welcome, love you too" He smiles.

I smile back and walk out of his room and down to the front door, I put on some shoes and walked to the garage.

I got in my Tesla and drove to Tesco to get some chocolates and flowers for my favourite person.

Harry's POV.

I sat in the kitchen with Ethan as we ordered Dominos.

"Im getting fat." I laugh

"No you're not Harry"

"Shhhhh" I say.

"Make me motherfucker"

"Ight" I say going into the freezer, getting a fish and slapping him round the face with it.

"OWWWWWWWWWW" Ethan screams.

I burst out laughing and roll around on the floor.

"What the fuck is going on ere?" Tobi says walking into the kitchen.

"HE SLAPPED ME WITH A FISH!" Ethan says bursting out laughing.

Tobi started laughing with us until we heard the door open and saw Simon walk through.

"SIMONNNN!" I shout running up to him and jumping on him making him fall onto the floor.

"Hey bubba" Simon says.

"I missed youuuuuuu"

"I only went to the shop."


"Oh well, I still missed you" I add on.

"I missed you too" Simon said kissing my cheek.

We both got up of the floor and walked into the kitchen.

I was eating some pizza until I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist with flowers and chocolates in their hand.

I was confused at first, I slowly turned around and saw Simon smiling.


I really don't know where I'm going with this story right now, I need suggestions <3. Sorry this is a short chapter, I didn't know what else to write, my minds gone blank.

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