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Harry couldn't believe what he had just done, did he really just have sex with Ethan? Harry felt horrible, he chucked on some clothes and quickly walked out of Ethan's room, instantly going to find Simon.

He looked everywhere for Simon and couldn't find him, he sent multiple text and called him a numerous amount of times. What if Simon heard him and Ethan last night.

"Josh! Where's Simon?" Harry shouts up the stairs.

"Out with some gi- uh, he's out with JJ."

"You what? He's out with some what?" Harry questions, waking up to Josh's room

"Josh!" Harry shouts, waking into Josh's room.

"What?" Josh replies.

"Who's Simon with?"

"Uhm... JJ."Josh says, twiddling his thumbs.

"JJ's in the spare room..."

"Oh he's probably with Ethan." Josh says.

"Ethan's in bed..." Harry started becoming very confused.

Harry sighed and walked away to his room, Simon and Harry had never been apart for this long. Harry started thinking about what he was going to say to Simon.
'Oh hi Simon, I fucked Ethan last night, how are you?'
'Hey Simon, I still love you but I fucked Ethan, we still  on good terms?'
Neither of them sounded good.

Harry picked up his phone calling Simon again, surprisingly he picked up for once. Harry had no idea of what to say so he just made it up as he went along.

"Finally..." Harry says, huffing into the phone.

"I've been out, okay? What do you want?" Simon says in an annoyed tone.

"Ight chill, where are you?"

"With Talia..."

"With who?" Harry replies.

"Uh, Talia." Simon says.

"Who the fuck is Talia?" Harry says getting annoyed.

"My friend, why do you give a fuck anyway? Its not like you love me anymore, you fucked Ethan and don't lie saying you didn't, I heard yous."

"Ughhh, Simon. I felt lonely for fuck sake. You'd do the same if you felt lonely." Harry said raising his voice.

"What the fuck? No I wouldn't!"

"Yes you would! You're basically doing it right now! You've never been with or mentioned someone called Talia before!"

"It's not like that! I just met her!"

"Whatever Simon." Harry said, ending the call.

Harry punched the wall with anger and started throwing things off his cabinets.

I promise you guys, they don't stay mad at eachother. I'm sorry  for making Simon hang with another girl🤣.
Also, real quick I wanna say thanks to freshminter  because they are always reading the new chapters asap, and just showing support so ty for that! 💘
And sorry for any mistakes, my eyes were literally closing writing this🤣🤣🤣.

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