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(Simons POV is gonna be before JJ went to ask Josh where Simon was in the last chapter. If that makes sense lmao. Also the first part of the story which is Simons POV, is gonna be written in third person.)
Simon's POV.
Simon woke up to the sun beaming through the window. His eyes slowly opened as he realized he forgot to close his curtains last night. Simon slowly turnt to his side to see Harry still fast asleep, a small smile crept on to Simons face. He pulled the covers over him trying to be as quiet as possible. Simon softly placed a kiss on Harry's cheek before he went to have a shower. Simon walked into the bathroom and chucked his boxers onto the floor, he tried to be as quiet as possible because he didn't want to wake up the smaller blonde boy. After about 10 minutes he got out the shower and tied a towel around his waist, only just showing his v-line. Simon got another towel and dried his hair a little, just so it was damp, only dripping with water from time to time. He walked back out to his room to find Harry still sound asleep, he smiled at the sight and quietly chuckled at how much of a deep sleeper he is. He walked over to his drawers and dropped his towel about to put a pair of boxers on, he jumped at the sound of Harry's voice.
"Nice ass" The smaller blonde said with a croaky voice.
"Shit" Simon said quickly putting on a pair of boxers and blushing.
Harry smiled at Simon blushing, he thought it was cute. Simon quickly put on a pair of joggers and a burgundy SDMN hoodie, clearly showing he was embarrassed.
"Don't be embarrassed Si" Harry laughed at the tall boy.
"Uh. I-I thought you were asleep.." Simon stuttered.
"Anyway get up, we're going out." The tall lanky boy said.
Harry groaned.
"Come onnnnn" Simon said.
(Change to 1st person mow)
Harry sighed and rolled out of bed, as he walked over to the shower I smiled at him and walked downstairs to the kitchen. After about 20 minutes of me waiting for Harry he finally came down in SDMN joggers and a ZRKLDN hoodie. I smiled at him and walked over to him.
"Ready" I said smiling.
He nodded his head and walked towards the front door with me. I got in the drivers side of the car and Harry got in the passenger side.
"Where we going?" Harry asked.
"Secret" I said
Harry groaned.
A few minutes later we arrived at a little park we used to go to when we were younger. I look at Harry and see him smiling widely.
(Let's just pretend I've added everything here that happened because its tired I'm late ;). But yeah I am tired and it's late and I'm tryna finish this ASAP. )
Harry and I were cuddling on the couch watching a movie and the words that came out of his mouth unexpectedly shocked me.
"You don't love me, do you?" Harry said, his eyes filling with tears.
"What? Yes I do. You know I do."
"You don't. Why would anyone like me." Harry says with tears falling from his eyes.
"Harry, I do love you. Why do you think I took you out and cuddling you."
"You could be faking it." He replies sharply.
"Harry! You really think I've been faking everything!" I say raising my voice a little.
"Well you probably love JJ, after all you are really close. You probably kiss behind my back. I bet you've even fucked eachother." He says moving away from me raising his voice louder then I did.
"Oh for fucks sake. Harry! You really think I'd do that after telling you I like you, kissing you, sleeping with you! Wow Harry, I thought you trusted me!" I was now shouting, I walked out of the room slamming the door behind me.

Harry's POV.
Simon walked out and slammed the door mumbling something under his breath I just couldn't understand. Its all my fault, again. I hate my self. I fucking hate myself. I chucked my phone at the wall, making a hole. I laid back on the couch, tears rolling down my face. I look up as I hear the door open.

"You okay?" Josh says sitting next to me.
"No." I say crying into his chest as he puts his arm around me.
"It's gonna be okay, Harry. You'll be talking again tomorrow."
"W-What if he d-d-doesn't, what if he h-hates me."
"He won't hate you Harry, he loves you too much for him to hate you." Josh says rubbing my back.

Sorry if there's any mistakes, this was written when I was super tired. Soooo, had to include a bit of drama.
As I said please dont be afraid to tell me any of your ideas. Even if you have any ideas for another book for me to write. Also if you could share this story it would be much appreciated💓.

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