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Harry's POV.

I arrived back at the Sidemen house with Ethan and Josh, I looked up at the front door and started shaking as I slowly pushed my hand down on the handle. Josh gently pushed my back as in saying, ' go on, you'll be okay'. I slowly walked through and walked with my head down over to Simon, I swallowed the lump in my throat and slightly smiled at him. To be honest I wanted to kick him straight in the balls, but I held in my anger I guess you could call it.

Simon brushed his hand against mine and walked upstairs, I took a deep breath in and followed after him. I stopped on the last step and looked back at Ethan and Josh.

"Don't let your anger out Harry" Ethan mouthed to me.

"You'll be okay" Josh added on.

I smiled at them and carried on following Simon.

We walked into Simon's room, as I walked in I did one of them awkward coughs and leaned against the wall behind me.

"Harry, I want you to know I love you, I love you so fucking much. I hate myself for what I did, I shouldn't of kissed JJ, I was wrong, so fucking wrong. Im so sorry Harry, if you don't want to forgive me then thats fine, I understand. I just want you to know i'll always love you forever and ever."  Simon said breaking down into tears.

"Simon don't cry, please, it fucking kills me seeing you like this. I need you to know I fucking hate your guts for kissing JJ when I thought we had something between us, you obviously didn't feel the same and took me for granted. I just need to know if theres actually that place in your heart for me and if you really want to be with me or am I just wasting my time with you?" I said crossing my arms acting like a cross mom.

"Harry.. I do want to be with you, its just I felt bad for dropping a good friend who was so fucking close to me, I only went to say sorry and it just went further. He still has feelings for me Harry"

"Right so tell me how the fuck saying sorry to someone is kissing them! It wasn't even a kiss on the cheek or a little peck! You was fucking snogging his face off!" I said starting to raise my voice.

"Harry please don't shout, it was an uh accident, he uh came on to me."

"You sure about that?!"

" Yes!"

"So if I go ask JJ right now who made the move he'll say he did?!" 


"I swear Simon, if you're lying to me don't ever expect me to fucking forgive you ever again! So Simon i'll give you one more chance! Who made the move first?" I say walking towards the door.

"Yes! I promise you! He kissed me twice!"

"Right we'll see about that"

With that I walked out of Simon's room and walked over to JJ's and burst in not bothering to knock.

"Oh just who I was looking for!" I say looking at JJ.

"Uh wh-"

"No questions JJ!" I say cutting him of.

"So JJ did you or did you not kiss Simon?" I add on

"Uh yeah I did" He said looking confused.

"Right okay, so who made the first move?" 

"I did..."

"Okay-" I walked over to him as he was sat on his bed, slapped him round the face and walked out an back over to Simon's room"

I walked over to Simon and jumped on his lap whilst squeezing him tight.

"I love you..." I said looking into his eyes.

"I love you too" He said smiling.

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