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I just heard Harry and Simon arguing, could this be my chance to gain Simon back? Normally when he's upset or mad, he would come and speak to me and sometimes cuddle me if I was lucky, so I guess we will just have to wait and see what he does. In the meantime, I sat in my chair that was at my desk and played GTA 5.

It had been about half an hour of me just playing GTA and just as I was about to start another race I heard a knock at my bedroom door. I slowly turn around in my chair and walked up to the door and opened it to see Simon standing there with tear stained cheeks, I gestured him to come in and closed the door behind him. He slumped down on my bed and put his head in his hands, I sat next to him and put my arm round him, making it more awkward then it already was.

"Im so sorry, JJ" The blonde boy said sniffling

"For what?"

"Getting angry at you and not speaking to you" He said looking up at me.

"Its fine Simon, the reason you had for it was completely understandable" I say ruffling his hair.

He looked up at me and smiled slightly, at least it was something.

"So you just couldn't stay away from me, huh?" I say looking at him playfully smirking.

"Shut up" He says laughing and playfully hitting me.

We both look at each other as I wipe away his tears with my thumb. I move closer to him, not breaking eye contact, he leans closer to my face and I lean forward and kiss him. I know I shouldn't be kissing him, but it just feels so right.

After a few minutes Simon pulled away and slightly smiled.

I knew I love Simon before this moment, but now I love him even more. I know theres no point in me loving him but I just can't help it, he's got such a cute face and nice personality. I couldn't help but kiss him again.

Harry's POV.

I've been sat on my bed sobbing for the past hour thinking about the first argument me and Simon had, it was all my fault just because I was being stupid saying that he doesn't love me and he faking all the feelings.

I wanted to try and sort this out with Simon, I don't think I could go a day without talking to him I can't even go a few hours without him. I walked over to Simons room and noticed he wasn't there, I checked the room next to it which was... JJ's. Pretty sure he wouldn't be in there as they fell out but I checked anyway, I opened JJ's door and saw Simon and JJ kissing. My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe what I saw, how could he do this to me.

Simon looked up at me in shock.

"Harry... I- It isn't what it looks like" Simon said walking towards me.

"Fuck off Simon! Enjoy your dirty ass relationship with JJ!" I say looking at him in disgust and slamming the door behind me as I storm off.

I instantly go to find Ethan, I'm going to get sweet, sweet revenge well payback I guess. I found Ethan in the kitchen and dragged him up to JJ's room, I'm assuming Simons still in there.

"Hey Si" I say smiling sarcastically

"Hey, look Har-"

I cut him off by kissing Ethan right in front of him. I pulled away after a few seconds and sarcastically smiled at him again.

"Woah-" Ethan said in shock.

"Harry... we need to talk." Simon said sounding like he was about to cry.

"Uhhh, i'll think about it" I say pretending to flip my hair and walking out, dragging Ethan with me.

Ethan started laughing uncontrollably, I start laughing with him.

"What the fuck-" Josh says staring at us confused.

This was just supposed to be a jokey chapter as you can tell by Harry pretending to flip his hair and being all sassy lmao. 💓

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