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3rd person: (sorry i like writing like this oop)

Harry couldn't stand being alone anymore, he hated it. Harry hadn't slept for days or eaten in hours. He was drained, his hair was greasy, he had worn the same clothes for days and he had bags under his eyes. This was the worst Harry had ever felt. He didn't realize how much a loved one leaving could be this bad.
He slowly lifted himself of his bed, trembling over to his door and walking downstairs. Harry grabbed onto the banister as he nearly slipped down the stairs. He reached the kitchen. Ethan, Josh and Tobi were standing in shock, they didn't realize how bad Harry was. Josh noticed something no one else did, Harry was getting skinnier and skinnier by the day. Josh took Harry out of the kitchen and into the spare room.

"Harry, why didn't you tell me you were this bad?" Josh questioned lowering himself on a chair.

"I-I didn't want you to worry, but i-im fine, trust me." Harry said about to leave the room.

"No Harry wait, please just start eating and sleeping again. I cant see you like this, Simon wouldn't like this either" Josh said pulling Harry back.

"I don't want to Josh"

Josh sighed and looked at Harry. He let Harry go and instantly tried to think of something. Simon. Let Simon know about this, he'll know something.

Simon, Harry's not his best right now. His hairs greasy, he's worn the same clothes for days, he's not sleeping or eating. I don't know what to do.

Omg, are you joking?

I wish I was Simon.

I'll be home in a few hours.

Josh locked his phone and slid it into his pocket. A slight smile crept onto his face as his best friend was coming back, but that smile soon went when he thought about Harry again. He didn't like seeing any of his friends like this, especially Harry. He's normally an energetic person and he's never been like this before.

~~~A few hours later~~~
Harry was sat on Simon's bed, shivering. He was wearing Simon's sdmn hoodie and his sdmn joggers. His emotions have been mixed, one minute he would be positive the next minute, he's negative.
Harry heard the front door open downstairs, he didn't bother to look as he gathered it was Josh. Harry sat twiddling his thumbs and staring at the wall until Simon's door open. Harry quickly spun his head round and saw Simon. Harry has never moved quicker, he jumped up and into Simon's arms, tears rolling down his face. They both ended up on the floor hugging each other .

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