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The house isn't the same anymore, it's so quiet and feels lonely to everyone. No ones as hyper as they used to be, all Josh wanted was everyone to be their normal selves again, he wanted JJ and Simon to be friends again, they were the life of the house. They made everyone laugh and when Ethan laughs everyone laughs even more.
Josh wasn't at all annoyed about Harry and Ethan, he knew Harry felt lonely so he let them get on, he understood everything. He felt like it was a teenage drama, everyone's moody, a relationship is broken, everyone's not talking to one another.

Josh wanted to lighten up the mood so, he put on the baby shark song on his speaker and started singing along to it.


"Shut up, Josh" Harry said, cutting Josh off.

Josh sighed and turned it off, jumping on to his bed. He picked up his phone and rung Simon.

"Hello?" Josh said.

"Uhm hi.."

"Where are you?" Josh questioned.

"In the kitchen..." Simon replied.


Josh ended the call and walked down to the kitchen and sat down infront of Simon. Josh explained to Simon that he needs to sort things out with Harry and JJ, luckily Simon was up for the idea and was happy to be friends with JJ again.
Josh cheered and ran up to Harry's room, explaining to Harry that Simon wanted to sort things out.

Harry walked downstairs and stared at the floor, not wanting to look at Simon. He sat in front of him and explained everything that happened and why it happened, after a bit of arguing they finally sorted everything out and hugged.

"I love you..." Simon said.

"I love you too" Harry replied.

"Now let me go sort things out with JJ." Simon said,rubbing Harry's cheek.

Simon walked away from Harry and walked upstairs to JJ's room.

"Come in." JJ said as Simon knocked on his door.

Simon walked through and leaned against the door, not wanting to look at JJ.

They had their heated discussions, they shouted at eachother, sat in silence, threw stuff across the room and punched walls.

After all that, they finally calmed down and hugged it out. JJ was happy that him and Simon were friends again, even though they'll never share the same memories again like hugging and all that cutesy stuff he was still happy to have Simon as his friend again.

"GTA video?" JJ asked.

"YESSSSSS!" Simon shouted running to his room and starting up the game.

"You little bitch!" Simon shouted down his mic as JJ killed him.

JJ burst out laughing, his laugh was contagious which meant Simon started laughing aswell, trying his hardest to still be angry at him for killing him.

"Well, I guess Simon and JJ are friends then." Ethan laughed.

"Haha, yeah.." Harry said and fake smiled.

"Harry, nothing will happen between them two, you and Simon are lovers to be."

"Ugh, you don't know that, everyone will start saying ksimon is real again." Harry sighed.
Yooo, i'm actually running out of ideas as I write :/. So if any of yous have any ideas for me to write please share them with me!💘

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