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Vik's POV.
I arrived back at the Sidemen house after having family issues yesterday. I immediately look for Harry.
"Josh, have you seen Harry?" I asked
"I believe he's in the kitchen"
I walked over to the kitchen and found Harry.
"Oh Harry I'm so sorry" I sighed
"For?" He asked confused
"Not coming to see you yesterday when you were in hospital, I had a few family issues. I'm so sorry"
"Oh don't worry about it, it's fine. At least you have a good enough reason" Harry says eating a cereal bar.
"Oh, who didn't go?" I asked confused as the boys normally all go when someone's in trouble.
"Guess" He said leaning against the counter.
"Oh, JJ?"
"Yep" He said rolling his eyes.
"Not surprised to be honest"

Simons POV.
I got out of the shower and put some clothes on and noticed Harry wasn't there. I panicked. I ran downstairs and saw him talking and having a laugh with Vik. I sighed and began to walk upstairs.
"Hey, Simon. Come 'ere" Vik shouted
I sighed as I walked to him and Harry.
"You okay?" Harry asked
"Yeah" I shrugged
"No you're not" He said stroking Simons cheek
"I'll leave you two to it" He says and winks at us.
"I- okay" Harry said
"Do you love Vik?" I ask as I sit on the kitchen counter.
"What? No. Why?" He replies confused.
"No reason" I say and look at the floor.
"I love you Simon, not Vik" Harry says
"What?" I reply hiding my happiness.
"Oh, uhm nothing. Uh. I've gotta go and uh... speak to Josh.." He said as he began to walk of
I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, as he turned around I pulled him closer and kissed him on the lips, he kissed back opening his mouth allowing our tounges explore eachothers mouths. Harry pulls away and blushes. I smile at him when I notice Josh standing in the doorway. I look at him and panic.
"I was just cleaning his cut that he had on his cheek..." I say panicking to Josh.
"Mmmmhmmm sureeee, I saw you"
I notice Harry's starts breathing faster as he's probably embarrassed. Josh came over to him and told him to calm down.
"I'm not gonna tell anyone Harry,don't worry" Josh tells Harry
"Please don't Josh.. If anyone finds out they'll hate me. I'll be hated by everyone. No one will like me, Josh." Harry says breathing fast with tears brewing in his eyes.
"Harry I won't tell anyone, no one will hate you if I did anyway" Josh says trying to calm him down.
"Harry you need to have more confidence.." I say stroking his cheek and wiping away his tears.
"But I cant, I don't have any confidence at all."
Josh and I look at eachother and sigh.
"Come on Harry, let's go talk" I say to him.
I take Harry's hand and bring him upstairs to my room and closing the door behind us.
"What did you wanna talk about?" Harry says confused.
"Nothing, I just wanted to cuddle" I say laying down on the bed and gesturing him to lay next to me. He smiles faintly as he lies next to me. I gently wrap my arms around him trying not to hurt any of his cuts. As the night went on Harry fell asleep in my arms, I was about to fall asleep until I heard a knock on my door.
"It's open" I say quietly.

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