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Todays the day. The day Simon would ask Harry to be his boyfriend. They would go for a walk in an old park they used to go to. Then, they would go get ice-cream and walk back to the old park, they would finish eating their ice creams and sit talking on an scratched, old, wooden bench. Then finally, Simon would pop the question.

Simon didn't know how to ask the question, would he just casually ask or give a detailed explanation on why Simon loves Harry.

He just didn't know what was best, if he gave a detailed explanation he would end up messing it up one way or another. If he just asked the question he would think it wasn't enough.

Simon began to write down on a piece of paper of reasons why he loved Harry.

'Harry, we've been through a lot during these past few weeks, but I want you to know I love you with all my heart. I love you because you know how to make me happy when i'm sad. You have the cutest laugh and smile ever. You make me feel like i'm wanted. You give the best hugs. You give me happiness. You give me reasons to be alive. You're just everything anyone could ever want. I'm so happy i've found someone like you in my life and I hope you never leave my side. Now, time to get to the real reason we're here. This has been hard for me to actually have the guts to be here with you today and asking you this question. So, will you Mr Harry Lewis, be my boyfriend, my 11:11, my one and only, my favorite person ever.'

Simon read over it multiple times making sure it was okay.

"Josh!" Simon shouted.

"Yeah?" He shouted back.

"Come here!"

Josh came walking through Simon's door and sat next to him on Simon's bed.

"Read through this." Simon says, handing Josh the paper.

Josh read through it, mumbling words every now and then. Simon started becoming nervous, wondering if it was good enough.

"That's so cute, Simon!" Josh shouted.

"Shhhh!" Simon says.


"Is it good?" Simon asks.

"FUCK YES ITS AMAZING!" Josh shouts again.

"SHUT UP!" Simon laughs.

"Sorry, but yeah it's good." Josh smiles.

Simon smiled as Josh walks out the room.

Harry walked in just at the right moment.

"We're going out." Simon said, slipping the paper into his pocket.

"What? Where?" Harry questions.

"Somewhere, now come on." Simon said, grabbing Harry's hand.

Simon and Harry put on their shoes and walked out of the house and down the street.

Simon brought them to an old park they always used to go to, Harry smiles as he admired the park and the scent of wet wood and the sounds of birds filled his body. Harry loved this and wanted this moment to last forever.

Simon then brought them to an ice cream truck, Harry got mint flavor ice cream and Simon got bubblegum. They walked back to the park and sat on an old wooden bench, talking about life and how they used to love coming to the park.

They had finished eating their ice creams, Simon knew this was the time to pop the question. A rush of excitement and nervousness filled his body, he was more nervous than excited.

"Harry...." Simon said nervously.

"Yeah?" Harry smiled.

Simon pulled out a piece of paper and cleared his throat.

"Harry, we've been through a lot during these past few weeks, but I want you to know I love you with all my heart. I love you because you know how to make me happy when i'm sad. You have the cutest laugh and smile ever. You make me feel like i'm wanted. You give the best hugs. You give me happiness. You give me reasons to be alive. You're just everything anyone could ever want. I'm so happy i've found someone like you in my life and I hope you never leave my side. Now, time to get to the real reason we're here. This has been hard for me to actually have the guts to be here with you today and asking you this question. So, will you Mr Harry Lewis, be my boyfriend, my 11:11, my one and only, my favorite person ever." Simon said, his hands were shaking and his forehead was getting sweaty.

"Oh.. my.. gosh..," Harry says. "YES OF COURSE I WILL SIMON!"

"Oh my god, I love you so much." Simon said hugging Harry whilst tears fell from his eyes.

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