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Josh's POV

So theres something i've been hiding from the boys for a while now, actually I haven't told anyone.

I gathered all the boys in the kitchen as I stood infront of them.

"So, as you know, I was dating Freya. Yeah I'm not anymore. Anyway thats not the point, so uh I'm actually in a relationship with Ethan now." I say, nervous of what all the other boys are going to say.

I turn away from them for second to look at Ethan and the next thing I know, they're all cheering and jumping on me.

After all of the boys celebrating, I walked upstairs to my room with Ethan and we decided to watch some Netflix together, we watched 'The Kissing Booth'. We cuddled up together and soon drifted of to sleep.

Simon's POV.

I really want to go somewhere with Harry, maybe like out for dinner or going to a cinema.



"Wanna go somewhere with me?" I ask nervously.

"Sure, who else is going?"

"Just me and you, Harry"

"Oh cool, like a date?"

"Yeah, get ready and meet me downstairs" I smile at him.

I give him a kiss on the cheek before walking downstairs and waiting for him. Whilst waiting for him I put on my trainers and sat on the floor.

A few minutes later he came down, wearing my hoodie and joggers, they were baggy on him because I'm taller than him, I smiled at him and took his hand as we walked out the door.

We got into my car as Harry put on his music.

"Where we going?" Harry asks.


"Wheres somewhere?"



"Yes?" I say laughing.



"Fine I'm not kissing you for a whole two days" Harry says crossing his arms.


"Nope, sh"


A few minutes later we arrived at our destination, Harrys favourite place.

Cadbury's world.

Harrys jaw dropped as he screamed in excitement.

I looked at him and smiled before he reached across the car and hugged me.

Harry quickly got out the car and ran to the entrance, I slowly followed him.

After we had walked round the whole place and Harry played in the kiddies park I took him into a gift shop.

"OMG!" Harry said in excitement as he picked up a stuffed rabbit.

"SIMON CAN I GET THIS?" He added on.

"Why? You don't need it."

"Pweaseeeee" Harry said making a puppy face.

"Fineee" I say giving him money.

After that we headed back to the car and made our way home.

After about an hour of Harry's annoying music we finally arrived home, Harry grabbed his stuffed rabbit and ran inside, locking me out.

"HAROLD!" I shout.

"JOSH?" I shout as Harry didn't respond.

"YEAH?" Josh shouted back.


A few seconds late Josh lets me in and I run to find Harry. I found him lying under the covers in my room.

I pulled the covers of him and pulled him out of the bed.

"You've been a naughty boy, Harold" I say pushing him up against the wall.

"No, Simon I'm sorry, I-"

"Shut up" I say before kissing him passionately.

"S-Simon" Harry groans as I kiss down his neck.

I ran my hand through his hair, tugging at it lightly. Harry moaned out as I grind against him.

He tugged at my shirt before I pulled away.

"Don't get too excited Harold" I say winking at him and sitting on my bed.

"Simonnnnn!" Harry said.

"Yes Harry?"

"You can't just tease me like thatttt" He says slumping down on my bed.

"Oh yes I can" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.



HEHEHE, lil teaser ;). Do you guys like this story? Should I start working on another one to post when I finish this one? If so tell me what you would like me to write about next! <3

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