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Harry's POV.

" I love you too" Simon said.

Something didn't feel right, I forgave him too easily he kissed JJ.. what if he loves JJ more than me. Why didn't Simon pull away when JJ kissed him?


"Yes Harry?"

"Why didn't you pull away when JJ kissed you?" I say moving away from his lap

"I-I-I..I don't know, he just pulled me closer to him and I was so shocked, I didn't know what to do"

"Well, I just need to know who you want, I can't be wasting my time on someone who doesn't even love me and loves their other 'friend' who they recently fell out with. Simon I won't be offended if you love JJ more then me, just tell me the truth" I sigh.

"Harry I love you and only you, I honestly regret kissing JJ, that kiss made me realise how much I fucking love you. I don't want anyone else, you're my everything."

I walked over to him and sat next to him, resting my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around me.

'Why am I so in love' was the thought constantly going through my head. 

My tears were falling from my eyes onto Simon's joggers.

Having trust issues is the worst.

Simon's POV.

I look at Harry and saw he was sleeping on my lap, I smile slightly at the sight of him. I gently pick him up and put him into my bed, slowly getting into bed next to him.I put my arm around him as he snuggled up closer to me. A few minutes later I drifted of to sleep with Harry in my arms.

Josh's POV

I woke up around 8am and realised it was Sunday and sighed as we had to film a Sidemen Sunday and I knew it was gonna be awkward as hell. I went to wake Ethan, Tobi, JJ and Vik. I went to go wake up Harry and realised he wasn't in his room, I assumed he's already awake. I walk into Simon's room to wake him up and saw him cuddled up with Harry, I smiled as I figured they had sorted everything out now. I jumped on them multiple times until they awoke.

"Fuck off" Harry groaned.

"Rude." I said

Harry shrugged his shoulders and buried his head back into Simon's chest.

"Come on love birds, we have a Sidemen Sunday to film"

"Ugh, why do you wake up so fucking early for it Josh" Simon groaned pulling the covers over his and Harry's head.

"So its done and I don't have to do it later, stop being so lazy!" I say jumping on them again.

"Joshhhhh! Stoppppp!" Harry says kissing Simon's cheek

"Ew, get a room ya horny lil shits." I say pulling a disgusted face.

"This IS our room, dickwad"

"Now get out" Simon said sitting on Harry.


I ran downstairs and stood with the rest of the boys waiting for the lovebirds.

I was pouring a drink and heard some muffled moans from upstairs. I rolled my eyes and slightly laughed.

About an hour of waiting they finally came down together.

"Finally" I said looking at them smirking.

We filmed an accent challenge, when it got to JJ and Harrys turn to speak to each other, I could see the hatred in their eyes, lets just say it was a very very awkward video.

I could tell Harry's laughing at JJ was fake, I couldn't not laugh at Harry.

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