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Harry's POV
I woke up to Simon sitting in my chair where I edit my videos, I jumped as he turned around to look at me.
"Fan of my videos, aye?" Simon said jokingly.
Simon chuckles.
"You fell asleep watching them"
"I..I did?"
"Yes Harry, you did. Now get your lazy ass up, we have to film a Sidemen Sunday" He says as he walks out of Harry's room closing the door behind him.
I quickly jump out of bed and take a shower, i chuck on the Sidemen 2017 football shirt and some SDMN joggers with a pair of adidas trainers. I grab my phone and run downstairs to them.
"Finally, you're awake" Josh chuckles
"Shut up" I said sharply
"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, eh?" Ethan replies.
I ignore him and follow the boys outside to film 'The Sidemen Moo Off'. It had been about 10 minutes of mooing before we decided to end the video. As soon as it ended I stormed off inside and up to my bedroom, I lock the door and sit on my bed with my legs dangling of at the side. I start to think about Simon and JJ, what if they really did like eachother.. my dreams of being with Simon would be crushed. They were all over eachother in that video. I look down at the floor and realize my dreams may get crushed until I hear a knock at my bedroom door. Still looking down at the floor I decide to ignore it and pretend like I didn't hear it. A few minutes later they knock again, I give in and open my door to see Ethan standing there. I let him in my room and close the door behind him.
"You okay Harry?" Ethan asked.
"Yep. I'm fine. Couldn't be better" I said sarcastically.
Ethan sighs.
"No you're not, tell me what's wrong"
"Nothing Ethan, I'm fine just leave me alone, it's not like any of you guys care about me anyway"
"Harry we do ca-"
"Leave Ethan, please" I say cutting him off.
He does as I say and walks downstairs, probably to try and get someone else up here. I chucked on an adidas hoodie and walked downstairs to the door. Just as I was about to leave Josh called my name. I sigh as I turn around to him and replied with a what.
"Where you going?" Josh asks.
"Why do you care"
And with that I walked out and got in my car and drove off.

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