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Simons POV.
I can't believe JJ cant come because he's got more important plans. What the fuck. More important plans then your friend possibly dying? Okay. I look at Harry and sigh whilst holding his hand and squeezing it. A few seconds later Ethan comes running in. I faintly smile up at him just show appreciation for him coming, shortly after Tobi walks in, I also smile at him.
"Vik said he's coming tomorrow as he's got a few family problems right now and his mum wants him at her house" Tobi said sighing.
"Where's JJ?" Ethan asks looking round the room.
"He can't come because apparently his plans are more important then Harry being in hospital, I'm actually gonna fucking kill him when I get back home." I say very annoyed.
"What a dick" Ethan replies.
"I'm gonna call him, I'll be back" I say letting go of Harry's hand and walking into a bathroom and locking the door behind me. I bring out my phone and call his number, he answers straight away.
"Hey Simon!" He says happily
"Oh I wouldn't be so happy if I were you!" I snapped at him
"Simon! Whats wrong?"
"What's wrong?! Oh I dont know. Maybe Harry's in hospital, possibly dying and you're not even here for him!" I say shouting not caring who hears.
"I'm busy Simon! I cant come"
"Why can't you cancel the plans!" I say shouting louder.
"They're important babe."
"Babe? I'm not your babe! I've never been your babe! Yes I used to like you but I don't anymore!"
"Simon... what about everything we've had" JJ says with a croaky voice as if he was crying.
"Screw everything we've had JJ! Fuck you Jide" I say sharply, still shouting and ending the call. I rest my head on the wall, in desperate need of alcohol to calm me down.

Tobi's POV.
Me Josh and Ethan stared at eachother hearing what Simon said to JJ, but my head quickly turns when I see Harry's eyes opening.
"Guys his eyes are opening!" I say to the boys trying not to get too excited.
Everyone gathered round whilst Simon was still in the bathroom.
"W..Where's Simon?" Harry said as he sat up slowly.
"I'll go get him" Josh said

Simons POV.
I was sitting on the floor with my back against the wall and head in hands still furious with JJ until I heard a knock on the door.
"If you're wanting to use the toilet, fuck off go to ano-"
"It's Josh, Harry's woken up" Josh says cutting me off.
I quickly jump up, unlock the door and run to Harry. I notice he's sitting up in his little bed and I hug him with tears of happiness rolling down my face.
"I'm so happy you're alive, Harry" I say happily.
A few hours later the nurse bandages up his deep cuts from the glass. She tells us that he can go home as long as someone takes care of him. I offered to take care of him and Harry smiled. I put my arm around him as we were walking out to the car. Josh offers to drive again as Harry and I sit in the backseats. We arrive home 20 minutes later and I take him up to my room as I said he could sleep in there so I could keep an eye on him.
"Go and get in my bed, you need some sleep" I say looking at him. He nods and carefully gets into bed.
"Good night Harold, I say as I turn of the lights about to walk downstairs.
"I love you" I mumbled quietly.

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