Why Me?

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Ugh. Since some of my chapter got deleted last time, I'm gonna try to make this a long chapter, hope you enjoy. I just thought of something to write about, sorry for not updating. School hits you hard, anyways enjoyyyyyyy.

Coles POV:
I woke up with Lilis hair all in my face. Wow great, I laughed and moved it out of the way. She was snuggled up next to me, her back against my side, with the blanket  up to her neck. She always got so cold. I gently kissed her cheek, and went to the living room and laid on the couch. I grabbed my phone, scrolling through Instagram. Everyone was talking about sprousehart, tagging Lili and I in every post. I laughed, I thought it was funny to leave the fans thinking.

"What are you laughing at?" Lili said standing in the doorway.

"Just fans on insta." I replied. She nodded walking into the kitchen.

"Want some coffee?" She asked me.

"Sure." I replied. All of a sudden, I got a call. I went to answer it, walking outside to the balcony.

"Is this Cole?" Someone asked. It was a man.

"Yes, who is this." I instantly recognized the voice.

"Lark.. what do you want?" I asked him. I started to build rage in my voice.

"Just wanted you to know that I'm spilling your secret on instagram."

"Yeah, like who's gonna see, your not famous?" I told him.

"Well, I do know where your friend KJ apa lives, so I'll tell him to post something about you, and if he doesn't, then I'll kill him. So spill it today, or Mr. KJ will. Have fun, Sprouse." He said, laughing as he hung up the phone. I slapped my hands on the table, causing Lili to come outside.

"Cole? Are you okay?" She asked me cupping my cheek with her hand.

"No, Lark called me." She turned away and turned back around.

"What did he say." She asked.

"Lili.." I started.

"What did he say?!" She said sternly.

"He said that we have to tell everyone about our relationship, or he will kill Kj."

"What the heck? Oh my gosh, babe. What do we do?" She started to pace back and worth. I grabbed her hands.

"It's going to be okay. We're gonna have to tell everyone soon anyways. I mean you are pregnant." I said. She took a breath and looked into my eyes.

"But I'm not ready." She said.

"But we have to be. Everything will be fine." I said. She looked so confused. Like her mind was racing.

"Well.. lets start with Twitter.." She said. She pulled out her phone, tweeting: "Okay, this is amazing to get off my chest, but hard to say and make it public. But yes, Cole and I are dating. I love him with all my heart. I'm such a lucky person to have him. I am also 14 weeks pregnant with his baby. Please no hate, we are going through a lot right now."

I then put it out on Instagram. I posted a picture of Lili and I kissing with a sunset in the background. I captioned it with:
"I'm such a lucky man to have you. You make me so happy. I love you and won't ever stop loving you. Can't wait for our future, new memories, and fun times with you, Bub." And I tagged her.

Our phones were blowing up. People tagging us in tweets, insta posts, and articles everywhere. We didn't want to go out today, just in case we saw anybody. Lili didn't feel like being bombarded by fans. We barely went on our phones all day. We just hung out, Lili has really bad stomach pains, I was starting to get worried about her. She hasn't thrown up in a while, which she usually does everyday. Once in a while she would cry because she was in so much pain. I felt so bad for her. I would just hold her, and rock her back and forth.

A couple hours past, and she was still in pain. We decided to go to the hospital, just in case it was severe. We didn't want anything happening to the baby. The hospital quickly got us a room, and checked for the baby's heart beat. There was none.

Okay side note.. I know there is blood when a miscarriage happens but I don't wanna write that.. idk so yeah.

She started to cry. I started to cry. I went over and grabbed her hand.

"Bub. We will get through this together. I love you."

"Are you sure you do? I just lost your baby." She said crying. She sat up and I sat on the edge of the bed, pulling her to me. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"Of course I do. It's not your fault.. I'll love you through anything." I said as she cried into my shoulder. This was going to be a lot for us. As much as I wanted to stay with her, I wanted to get her some things because we were staying in the hospital for a while. As I unlocked the door, all these thoughts rushed to my head. Once I got inside, I packed everything we needed: clothes for Lili, clothes for me, a blanket, pajamas for me, phone chargers, and more. As I was about to leave. I turned the door handle, then closed the door, turning around and falling on the floor. I buried my hands into my face. I started to cry, tears streamed down my face. I sat there for what felt like forever just crying. Till someone knocked on the door. I got up and opened it to Cami.

"Lili texted me. Cole. I'm so sorry." When she said those words, I cried even more. She pulled me into a hug telling me everything was going to be okay, and that we will get through this together. She grabbed the bags and led me out the door. I sat in the passenger side and said. "Don't tell anyone else Cami, I don't think Lili wants a lot of company at the hospital." She glanced at me.

"Of course Cole." She said. I could tell she was holding back tears. She was Lilis best friend. We pulled up to the hospital, and I led her to Lilis room. Lili was on her phone, and once she saw us, she started crying again. Cami ran over to her, pulling her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry babe." She said while hugging her. I started to unpack everything. While Lili and Cami talked. My mind was rushing with thoughts, so I didn't even hear what they were saying. I sat on the couch (my bed for a couple of days) and quickly dozed off. By accident.

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