Halloween Special:

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Cole's POV:
"I can't believe that we are this last minute." I said to Lili as we walked through the aisle of Target. Lili laughed and tickled Kayla in her stroller. It was midnight, the start of halloween and we were just getting Kayla a costume. Lili yawned as I picked up a pink, pig costume. She looked at it for a while and smiled.

"I love it, it's so cute!" she exclaimed. I put it in the cart. Lili was now 17 weeks pregnant. We are going to the doctors for an ultrasound the day after halloween. We then payed and headed out. I strapped Kayla in her car seat, and drove home.

When we got home, I put Kayla to bed, and went to bed, where Lili was already sleeping. I smiled and kissed her forehead and soon fell asleep.

Lili's POV:
I walk downstairs to see Cole attempting to cook pancakes. I laughed and he turned around. His hair was a mess, and he had flour on his cheek. I walked into the kitchen, "I'll take over." He hugged me from behind, "At least I tried." I turned around and kissed him, then I used my thumb to wipe the flour off his face.

"Happy Halloween." I said smiling. Just then, Kayla started to cry. Cole ran upstairs and got her as I continued to make the pancakes. Once I was finished, Cole walked downstairs with Kayla on his hip.

"Hey baby! Happy halloween!!" I said, and took her from Cole.

It was later in the night. Cole was getting Kayla ready, as I sat on the couch. I couldn't wait to find out the gender tomorrow. Just then, Cole says, "Close your eyes." I closed my eyes. "Ok, you can open." I opened my eyes to see my little baby smiling in her pink pig costume.

"Aw!" I said and kissed her cheek. We decided to just hand out candy, and next year when she was two, she could go out. Everyone was in love with Kayla's costume.

Cole's POV:
"Let's go inside, it's getting late." I said, picking Kayla up from playing with Louie. Lili nodded and then we went inside. Lili took Kayla and put her to bed. About a half an hour later, Lili was done with putting Kayla to bed. She sat next to me on the couch.

"Are you ready to find out the baby's gender?" I asked her. She put her head on my shoulder, "Yeah, I'm really excited." she replied. I kissed her cheek, and then we went upstairs to go to bed.

Lili's POV:
I woke up with my head on Cole's chest, and him holding me.

"Hey" I said and he looked down at me.

"Hey gorgeous." he replied smiling. I smiled, and sat up. He sat up too, "Lay downnn," he complained, "I'm cold." I laughed and laid down again. We snuggled for a half an hour and got ready for my appointment. Cami was coming over to watch Kayla for us. Cami knocked on the door when Cole and I were playing with Kayla in the living room. Cole opened the door and when Kayla saw Cami, her smile grew big.

"Hi baby." Cami said to Kayla.

"Ok, so you know where everything is. This shouldn't be long. Help yourself to anything. Thanks Cami!" I said, and hugged her.

"No problem, take your time!" she said and sat next to Kayla on the floor and started to play with her. We then headed out, It was a chilly morning. I was in sweatpants and a blue short sleeved shirt. Cole was in jeans and a white t-shirt. We drove to the doctors and went inside. When I was filling out papers, Cole's foot was tapping, nervously. With my free hand, I held onto his tightly. He smiled, and stopped tapping his foot.

"Lili Sprouse?" A doctor called out. I got up and so did Cole, and we followed the doctor back to the room. He started the ultra sound right away and looked surprised.

"What?" Cole asked nervously, "What is it?" The doctor then smiled, "There's two heartbeats."

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