15 Years Later

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long time no see, but i finally figured out how to end this story so i'm thinking about a couple more chapters, and then i'm gonna end this!

"Lil, where's Kayla tonight?" Cole asked, sitting on the couch.

"She's with Mason." Lili replied from the kitchen.

Kayla was now 17, in the middle of her senior year. Brooklyn and Carter are 15, in the middle of their sophomore year.

Just then, Cole heard yelling from Brooklyn's room. The twins haven't been getting along recently, which is the norm for them now.

Cole got up and opened Brooklyn's door to her room, "Carter why are you in here?" Cole asked, closing the door behind him.

"I'm gonna beat his ass." Carter says, making Cole raise his eyebrows.

"Carter James, since when do you use that language!" Cole yelled, "And who's ass?" Cole asked.

"Brooklyn's boyfriend, well now ex." Carter replies.

Cole sits next to Brooklyn on her bed, "John broke up with you?" Brooklyn nods sadly, "Aw Brookie." Cole says hugging her. Cole has always called her that ever since she was first born.

"But, Dad, the reason why he broke up with her was because I'm her brother. And he hates me because I'm the captain of the football team, and that it's not him." Carter explains.

Brooklyn buts in, "Carter, I don't care. We only dated for a month, so calm down." she says and puts her head on Cole's shoulder.

Carter nods and leaves the room to go talk to Lili. "Are you sure your fine with this?" Cole asked.

Brooklyn nods, "He was kind of an ass anyways." she shrugs.

Cole kisses her hair, "What's up with you two cursing so much?" he asks her.

"You do it." she replies. Cole just chuckles.


Kayla finally gets home that night around 10:30. Kayla and Mason have been dating for 2 years now. Lili and Cole adore him and love him as their own child.

She walks down the hallway to her mom and dad's room.

"Hey mom, dad." she says, "I'm home and I. going to bed, night."

"Goodnight." they reply.

i promise the chapters will start to get better. i just wanted an introduction to their lives now. xoxo

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