Chapter One: Beautiful Baby Boy

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A loud cry pierced the early morning and broke the silence that seemed to have fallen on the ward as a young woman pushed her baby into the world; she knew that now that the child was born that her life was going to change.

The brunette had already been kept away from the other mothers on the maternity ward, the hospital staff didn't want her to be seen and she knew that in a short while she'd be kicked out of the hospital even if she wasn't ready or well enough.

"It's a boy," the midwife informed her shortly as she curled a worn old blanket around the crying baby boy; they wouldn't waste supplies on someone like her, in their eyes the young woman wasn't worth it and the sooner that she was gone the better.

In the clan there were five levels, the highest level was the council; they oversaw everything that happened within the clan and made sure that those in-charge were able to deal with everything.

Then there was the elite, they were led by the alpha of the clan, and they ran the clan with the guidance of the council; they made sure that everything ran in order and dealt with any problems that would arise.

Under them were the upper class, these were the more rich members of the clan who had the money to do what they wished; unlike the lower class that were under them, most of which lived in slums and had done for many generations.

The final level of the clan were the untouchables, these were the people who didn't really have any rights in the clan and were often homeless since everyone turned their backs on them.

Unfortunately for Faith Valera Franca, she now belonged to the last level of the clan since she was an unwed and unmated member of the clan, and she had just become a mother.

The midwife handed the newborn over to his mother before she walked out of the room, she didn't bother asking for the child's name nor did she bother checking him over; he wasn't important and neither was his mother.

"Oliver," Faith said softly as she looked down at her son, she couldn't believe that he was finally here.

Faith checked him over herself making sure that everything looked okay, none of the medical staff would care to do it themselves before the turfed her out through the back door of the hospital in about an hour's time.

Carefully shifting her weight, Faith climbed slowly out of the bed that and moved the pillows so that she could lie Oliver down on the bed while she changed back into her street clothes.

Faith had been wearing a grey oversized T-shirt and black high waist twill trousers with busted knee paired with black flatform trainers when she had come to the hospital.

Faith didn't own a lot of clothes and she had been lucky that she hadn't put on much weight when she had been pregnant.

Collecting the black cotton sling, she quickly dressed Oliver in the blue elephant hooded dungarees that she had brought with her to dress him in so she could take him home.

After Faith had dressed her son, the brunette pulled on the black cotton sling and wrapped it around herself before she popped Oliver into it. The brunette smiled at him softly before making sure that he was warm enough; she knew the drill for leaving out of hospitals.

Faith cuddled Oliver close before she moved to leave the room where she had given birth; glancing about the brunette walked towards one of the back doors as she held Oliver to her chest as she hurried along.

Faith paused as she spotted one of the higher up clan members walking along the corridor, she watched the woman from a distance before she licked her lips as she watched the woman closely.

Faith knew who the woman was, she was dating the current alpha of the clan; she wasn't his mate and she was desperate to hold on to her position.

Checking on Oliver for one last time, Faith lick her lips as she stepped out of the side door where people like her entered and exited the hospital, the brunette was glad that Oliver had been born in the middle of May; it meant that she didn't have to worry about walking home in the cold weather with him.


It took Faith nearly an hour to get from the hospital to her home on the outskirts of the city, she hadn't been able to hurry home since she was still weak from giving birth and she had to stop a couple of times to check on Oliver.

Stepping into the flat that her family lived in, Faith licked her lips nervously as she listened for a moment; her ears pricking for any sign that her father was home.

Faith sighed in relief as she realised that she was alone, she hurried up the stairs to the bedroom which she shared with her younger brother.

Faith quickly settled Oliver down on her bed to sleep and smiled at him softly, she knew that he wouldn't have the best start to life but she hoped that maybe one day he'd be able to rise above the level that he had been born to.

The brunette made sure that he was comfortable before she put her bag on the dusty shelf next to her bed before she removed her hoodie; she checked Oliver over again, she knew that she'd have to keep a close eye on her beautiful baby boy.

Her blue eyes stared at her son for a moment before she covered him up, she was glad that he was sleeping so that she could do her chores before her father returned home.

David Valera wouldn't care for the child that she had given birth to, he was more likely to kill Oliver than to help her in anyway.

Once she was sure that Oliver was okay, Faith headed back down the stairs and into the kitchen and started to prepare dinner for her brother and father; she would only be allowed the leftovers if there were any and she certainly wouldn't be allowed to eat with them.

The brunette paused as she heard someone enter the flat, she sighed relieved when she realised that it was her brother; she continued to make dinner as her brother hurried into the kitchen.

"Faith, you should be resting," Devon said making the brunette pause for a moment as she glanced at her younger brother; he knew as well as she did that she couldn't rest, their father would throw her out if he discovered that Devon had been doing her work.

Devon slowly approached his sister curiously; he glanced around for a moment as if looking for something.

"Is the baby okay?" Devon asked as he watched his sister, she smiled at him softly and nodded her head; since she had fallen pregnant, she hadn't been able to get any medical care and most doctors wouldn't touch her with a ten foot poll.

"He's fine," Faith said softly making her brother smile, before the brunette continued to prepare dinner; she knew their father would be home soon and she wanted to be out of sight before he returned.

Devon watched his sister sadly, he hated what their father had done to her; that his decisions had led for her being outcast by the clan.

Devon had only been eight years old when he had started to understand the horrible whispers about his sister and the cruel things that people called her because of their father.

Devon had vowed that he would work hard and work his way up the clan so that one day he could make things better for his family and hopefully change the way the pack treated people like his sister and his newborn nephew.

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