Chapter Thirty-Five: Fighting Back

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“You won’t get away with this,” Olalla spat angrily, she couldn’t believe that this was happening right now; she sat beside Faith holding the brunette’s hand trying to comfort her in some way.

Faith groaned in pain, she was slowly getting closer to delivering her pups and she wasn’t sure how much strength she would have left when it came to holding Damien back from killing her and the pups.

Damien ignored the two women, he had never expected Faith to go into labour; he couldn’t risk having the pups survive and so had decided to wait until they were born to end all of this.

“Iker should be home soon,” Olalla whispered gently to Faith, she couldn’t believe that Damien actually thought that he could get away with this; she was sure that Iker would be back from his meeting soon.

Damien chuckled turning to look at Faith and Olalla, he was pleased with how he had managed to strand the pair; he hadn’t expected Olalla to be in the house with Faith and had been forced to change his plans.

“Casillas is busy right now, he won’t be home for a while,” Damien informed the two women, he smirked doubting that Iker had any idea that he was with Faith right now; he wondered how long it would be before his father called to inform him that Iker had been dealt with.

Faith chewed on her lip, she looked at Damien wondering why he was doing this; he could have had anything he wanted yet he was wasting his time watching her in labour.

Olalla frowned wondering what Damien hoped to achieve with all of this, he could have taken the clan by force instead he was hovering around them like he was waiting for something.

Faith shifted nervously, Oliver would be awake from his nap soon and she dreaded to think what he would do to the little boy when he woke up.

Gritting her teeth in pain, Faith groaned as another contraction hit and she knew that they were running out of time; Iker wasn’t going to be there for the birth of their pups and she doubted they would survive whatever Damien had planned.

Olalla watched Faith, she wasn’t sure what was going to happen but she knew that she had to do something; she couldn’t let Damien get away with this and she was the only hope that any of them had.

Oliver’s cries sounded through baby monitor making Damien smirk, he looked at Faith knowing that he would start with their child first before he ended her own life; the pups and Olalla would follow afterwards.

“Excuse me…” Damien said moving to head up the stairs, he had to finish this now before Faith gave birth; he didn’t want anyone surviving what he had planned.

Olalla and Faith watched him go, they both knew that this was only going to get worse; Damien was here to kill them all and he wouldn’t leave any of them alone.

“Stay here,” Olalla whispered softly, she carefully got to her feet and moved towards the kitchen to get something anything that could help her fight off Damien.

Olalla carefully picked up a sharp kitchen knife and a heavy pot, she swallowed moving towards the stairs desperate not to make a noise that would alert Damien to the fact that she was coming for him.

Faith watched her friend go, she couldn’t believe that this was happening right now and she hoped that Olalla was going to be okay; she was risking a lot for them and there was nothing that Faith could do to help.

Faith groaned feeling another contraction, she had no idea what was going to happen but she did know that if Olalla failed then she was next on Damien’s hit list and her pups would never survive to see tomorrow.


Iker snarled angrily watching at Alexander, he couldn’t believe that this was happening and he hoped that Faith was okay; he hated to think that something had happened to her and the pups.

“Where’s Damien?” Sergio asked watching Cain, he knew that this had to end and he hoped that Nadine was safe with their daughter; he couldn’t believe the Garcia’s had done this.

Everyone in the room was tense and Iker guessed that there wasn’t enough men with Alexander and Cain to make this last; he was sure that killing Cain would end all this rather quickly.

“He had some business with Faith to take care of,” Alexander replied grinning, his eyes watching Iker knowing that this wasn’t how he had thought that he would win this war.

Iker stared at Alexander, his heart pounded in his chest at the idea of Damien being anywhere near Faith and their pups; he felt sick wondering what the other werewolf had planned.

Fernando looked to Iker, this wasn’t going to end well and no one was sure what would happen if Damien killed Faith; it was bad enough that he had Faith, it was worse knowing that he also had Olalla.

“Damien has gone to Faith,” Iker whispered trying to stay calm, he didn’t want to panic about what could be happening back at his house; he feared what he would find when he did get to go home.

Alexander chortled amused, it had been a long time coming and he had waited so long for this moment; he would make sure that Iker was gone then his son would be able to take over as clan alpha.

“You’ll never see your mate alive again,” Cain teased watching Iker, he smirked stepping closer to the other werewolf; he loved how he could mess with Iker’s head now.

Cain barely stood a chance as Iker launched himself at him, Sergio moving to disarm another of the rival wolves; Alexander watched on in horror as his youngest son dropped to the floor dead at Iker’s feet after the other werewolf ripped out his heart.

Alexander slowly backed away from Iker as he realised that no one would stand with him now, he watched as the men that he had brought with him started to surrender; this hadn’t want he had expected to happen.

Iker walked towards Alexander, he would end the man that had threatened his family and then he would wipe out the entire remaining Garcia bloodline if that was what it took.

“Now Iker let’s be reasonable…” Alexander tried to reason before Fernando grabbed a hold of him, he struggled weakly knowing that this wasn’t going to end well.

Alexander looked around desperately at the men that were meant to fight with them, they were all cowards and he couldn’t believe that he had paid them to help out with the takeover.

Turning his attention back to Iker, Alexander wondered if the man would listen to him when he pleaded for his life; he didn’t think anyone would ever forgive him for what had happened.

Alexander had always wanted to ruin the clan and now it had led to the death of one of his sons; he doubted that anything would be good enough for what he had done.

“Please Iker… I was doing this for my sons, I wanted a better life for them,” Alexander pleaded his eyes filled with fear at what Iker could do, they had crossed a line and they would pay for it; Cain was dead and it was only a matter of time before Damien went the same way.

Iker snorted, he had no idea what he was going to do but he knew what he planned to do with Alexander; he would make the man pay for what he had done.

“You’re sons will rot in hell when I’m done with them… how does it feel to know that you’ll out live both of them,” Iker threatened, he would leave Alexander alive so he could suffer.


Author's Note: 

Only a couple more chapters left xxx

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