Chapter Twenty-Two: The Mating Ceremony

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Nadina smiled as she stepped into the room were Faith was getting ready, today was the day of her mating ceremony to Iker and she was so happy for her friend.

Faith looked beautiful in her red floor-length one-shoulder beading pleats long sweep train dress paired with black heeled sandals.

Nadina grinned as she rested a hand on her bump, she was nine weeks pregnant and it was very clear now that she was expecting a child with her mate.

"You look amazing," Nadina said walking over to her friend, Faith no longer looked like the person she had been months ago; she was starting to look more and more like the alpha female that she now was.

Iker had slowly fixed each and every problem that Faith had and Nadina was in awe at how perfect the werewolf was for her friend; everything was going to be okay from now on.

Faith nodded her head, she was so nervous and she was sure that something was bound to go wrong; it was her big day and it was bound to happen.

"I have a surprise for you," Nadina said with a smile, she was sure that this would be a wonderful surprise especially on a day like today; Faith looked at her friend confused before the door opened again.

Faith stared shocked at the sight of her brother, she hadn't seen him in weeks and she couldn't believe that he was here; Iker hadn't been able to tell her anything about Devon when she had asked.

"Hola," Devon said smiling at his sister, he had so much to tell her about what had happened since he had last seen her; but it could all wait until later.

Faith opened and closed her mouth, she really didn't know what to say about all of this; she was in shock and really didn't want to cry right now.


Iker smiled as he nodded at his future brother-in-law, he wasn't surprised to see Devon and was pleased to see him holding a fuss Oliver; it would mean so much to Faith that her brother was here.

"Are you ready?" Sergio asked smiling at his best friend, he couldn't believe that this day had finally arrived; it was one that many had never thought would happen for Iker.

Iker nodded his head, he had waiting long enough for this day and after four months, and he was more than ready to have Faith officially recognised as his mate.

Faith stepped into the room with Nadina making Iker smile, she looked beautiful and he couldn't believe that she was his; he stepped forward to take her hand as they prepared to be joined as man and wife.

"I wish to take Faith Valera Franca as my mate," Iker said as he drew Faith close, he looked up at the priest that would be presiding over the mating ceremony.

They were only having a small ceremony since neither of them wanted their parents in attendance and Iker wasn't going to allow anyone to ruin this for them in anyway.

Devon sat down beside a blonde woman, he smiled at her and gave her a small kiss while he settled his nephew on his knee; things were finally turning around for their family.

"Would you consider him?" the priest asked as he smiled at the couple, he looked at Faith who seemed stunning in the clan's colours; she looked nervous and the priest didn't blame her.

Faith would officially be the pack's alpha female and there were people who weren't happy about this; people who could insight trouble for the entire clan.

"I would," Faith said as she felt Iker squeeze her hand, she couldn't help but smile at the butterflies in her stomach.

"Will you provide for her?" the priest asked looking at Iker, he could see how in love the werewolf was and he was proud of the alpha; he had done something that none of the past members had done, he had changed things for the better.

"I will," Iker said with a nod of his head, he laced his fingers with Faith's; he felt completely relaxed and he was just happy that this was finally happening.

"Will you protect her?" the priest asked sternly as he looked over his glasses at Iker, he had a lot to contend with and it wasn't going to be easy.

"I will," Iker said smiling, he had done so much for her since she had come into his life and he wasn't going to let anything hurt her again.

Faith had been through hell and deserved a peaceful life; she was Iker's to protect and that was how it was going to stay.

"Will you treasure her and your offspring above all else, including your own life?" the priest asked as he looked between the couple, they already had Oliver and it wouldn't be long now until Faith would be expecting pups with Iker.

It wasn't unusual for females to fall pregnant straight away in the clan and Iker had a lot of pressure on his shoulders; he needed pups of his own and as his mate, Faith was expecting to give them to him.

"I will," Iker said with a smile, he shared a look with Faith and he hoped that he would get to share a pregnancy with her; it was something that they had talked about recently.

Iker needed to produce his own pups to carry on his line, Unai wasn't expected to rush but Iker was alpha and was expected to have his own soon after mating with Faith.

"Do you accept Iker Casillas Fernández's pledges and make your own in return?" the priest asked as he turned to Faith, he smiled at her as she blinked back tears from her blue eyes as she smiled at Iker.

"I will and do," Faith said softly as she tried to keep herself from crying, she couldn't believe how emotional she was being about this, she had never thought that she would get to exchange vows with anyone.

"Who would stand witness to this union?" the priest asked as he looked at Sergio and Nadina, he smiled at them as they stepped forward; this was slowly coming to an end and the ceremony was nearly over.

"Should Iker fall in battle, would you provide for his mate as you would your own?" the priest asked as he looked to Sergio first, Iker was alpha male and he had a lot on his shoulders; things which would fall to Sergio if anything happened to him.

"I would," Sergio said nodding his head, he would do anything for Iker, he was his best friend and he was sure if the need ever arose then he would do the same for him.

"And if Faith should die, would you care for her children as you would your own," the priest said as he looked at Nadina, who confirmed that she would; she would do anything for her best friend and she already protected Oliver when needed.

The priest smiled turning back to Iker and Faith, they were perfect for the clan and they were lucky to have them; he could only imagine what Damien would have done as alpha.

"The Lord bless you and keep you.The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you, and give you peace," the priest said as he waved his hands in the air above the couple as the mating ceremony came to a close.

Iker grinned moving to kiss Faith, she was officially his mate and no one could change that now; he didn't care what anyone else thought.

Everyone moved forward to congratulate the couple, they were so happy for them and didn't notice that someone uninvited was watching the celebrations.

The woman pursed her lips before she left the room, she wasn't happy about what had just happened; it changed everything for her.

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