Chapter Twenty-Three: Celebrations

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Iker grinned as he kissed Faith, he was still in awe that she was officially his mate now and everything had gone off without any interruptions.

Faith looked beautiful and Iker couldn’t keep his hands off her, she was his and no one would ever take her away from him.

“I love you,” Faith whispered softly, pulling back from Iker with a smile on her face; she still couldn’t believe that she was mated to him after everything that had happened in her life.

Iker shook his head and chuckled, he wanted nothing more than to forget about their guests but he couldn’t; they had things to do before he could take her back to their apartment.

“I love you too,” Iker murmured as Devon approached the couple with the blonde woman from the ceremony, he had a feeling that his new brother-in-la had news to share with them.

Iker has set Devon up with an apartment and offered him a position on the new council, he was sure that he would be a perfect addition and would actually move the clan forward.

“Faith, Iker… this is Jasmin Cortez, my mate,” Devon said with a smile, he had been wanting to introduce Jasmin to his older sister for ages but it hadn’t been possible.

Faith smiled, she couldn’t believe that her brother had found his mate and she was happy for him; she was just glad that there was no sign of their father about.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Jasmin said in awe, she was surprised to be meeting the alpha male and female of the clan; let alone the fact that she had been a witness at their mating ceremony.

Iker wrapped an arm around Faith’s waist, his brown eyes spotting someone that he didn’t think he would see; he focused back on what was happening around him.

Devon and Jasmin moved away so that other people could congratulate the couple on their official mating; they would talk more later on.

“Iker it’s wonderful to see you again,” Louisa Verona said approaching the couple, she knew that she was far from welcome to the reception but she hadn’t been able to resist; she was related to the bride after all.

Faith took a deep breath as she stared at her maternal grandmother, she had never really met Louisa before but she knew who the woman was without having to guess.

“Faith,” Louisa said with a smile, she had never had an interest in her grandchildren; Fiona had been her only child and when she had lost her, Louisa hadn’t wanted anything to do with Faith or Devon.

Now however, she had lost her job and with no one else to turn to, she was sure that she could manipulate her granddaughter into doing what she wanted.

Iker glared at Louisa, he knew why she had come and he wasn’t about to allow her to sink her claws into Faith; his mate didn’t deserve to be dragged down.

“The ceremony was beautiful,” Louisa mused softly, her blue eyes staring at Faith and she couldn’t help but blame the brunette for what had happened; she had lost everything because of her.

Faith frowned, she didn’t like the idea that Louisa had watched their ceremony; the woman was nothing to her and never would be.

“Perhaps we should have lunch sometime,” Louisa said wanting to ensure that she could get a position on the new council, nearly all the places were filled and none had gone near to the former council members.

Faith squeezed Iker’s hand, she didn’t want any trouble especially not today.


Faith chewed on her lip as she wrapped her black lace detail satin robe around her, she was standing in the master bedroom which she would now share with Iker; it felt odd since she had never been inside their before.

Faith wasn’t sure if she would ever get used to being mated to Iker, but this was their first official night and she knew what was on the line since Iker was the alpha male of the clan.

“Oliver’s sleeping,” Iker said stepping into the bedroom, he closed the door behind him and smiled as he looked at Faith; he could sense how nervous she was and he didn’t blame her.

Iker carefully shrugged off his suit jacket and set it down, his eyes locking on Faith knowing that this would be a first for both of them.

“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Iker murmured as he started removed his red tie and unbutton his white shirt; he didn’t want to push Faith into doing this.

Faith shook her head, she wanted to do this and she was sure that she could handle it; she took a deep breath to calm herself, she needed to put the past behind her.

“I want to,” Faith said getting to her feet, she blushed a little as she opened her black robe to reveal the red cherry padded bra and tanga string underwear that she was wearing.

Iker growled low in his chest, he walked over to Faith and pulled her to him; he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her as his mate, she was beautiful.

Iker kissed Faith softly as he pushed the robe off her shoulders, allowing it to pool at her feet; he wasn’t going to rush her and he knew he was going to be the first man she had been with willingly.

“Are you sure?” Iker asked again, he looked until Faith’s blue eyes and couldn’t help but want to protect her; he would wait if that was what she wanted.

Faith nodded her head, she was sure about this and she wanted to actually enjoy her first night as his official mate; she kissed Iker softly pleased that he was her mate.


Iker watched Faith sleeping beside him and smiled, his mating mark lay on her neck and he was thrilled that he had finally been able to leave it.

Iker hadn’t been able to give it before and now that he had, it made him feel more relaxed; he had ever felt so relaxed in his life.

Faith was officially his mate and no one would ever take that from him, Iker just hoped that no one would try; he had heard whispers of Damien settling near Barcelona and it made him nervous.

The alpha male of that clan was a close friend of his and had been keeping an eye on Iker’s rival, they didn’t want Damien leading a rebel especially now that he could never return to Madrid.

Iker carefully climbed out of bed, he pulled on his boxers before he made sure that Faith was cover up; he left the room silent and shut the door behind him.

Iker silently moved through the apartment and headed for Oliver’s room, he wished to check on the four month old; he knew it wouldn’t be long before Faith fell pregnant again.

Iker was nervous about what would happen if it didn’t happen soon, it was expected for him to have pups of his own even if he had claimed Oliver as his son.

Iker quietly stepped into the nursery and smiled as he watched the four month old sleeping, he was glad that Oliver hadn’t been disturbed by what his parents had been doing.

Iker watched him sleep, he would move the family to the house as soon as Faith fell pregnant; the house had four bedrooms and would be perfect for the expanding family.

Iker gently tucked Oliver in, he wasn’t sure what was going to happen next but he knew that he would protect his family; they were everything to him and Damien wasn’t going to cause any more trouble for them.

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