Chapter Thirteen: Slowly Recovering

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Iker sighed as he looked at Faith’s unconscious form, she had been out for three days now and he was slowly nursing her back to health; it had been a long few days and he was doing his best now that the council had shut him out.

“Still no sign?” Iker asked as he stepped out of the bedroom and looked at Sergio, he was relying on his beta a lot recently and he was glad that he had friends like Fernando and Sergio.

The council were furious about his decision to stay with Faith and the entire clan were talking about what he had done; they were all shocked to hear that Iker was going to stay with Faith.

“None,” Sergio replied as he offered Iker a small smile, they’d had no luck in finding the child that belonged to Faith; there was no record of the child and when collecting things from Faith’s home, there had been no sign anywhere.

Iker groaned as he ran a stressed hand through his hair, he had taken up residence in his three bedroom apartment that sat in the middle of the city instead of the house that he had built on the outskirts.

Iker wasn’t stupid and a lot of people weren’t pleased with what he had done, they would rather he killed Faith than remained with her.

However there were people slowly starting to warm to Iker for his compassion, they saw a leader that didn’t care for the social standings and was working to improve the lives of so many of the clan.

Iker had never known anything about the struggles that people lower down had in the clan; the council cared only for the upper classes and Iker was changing that.

The alpha had released several orders that would change everything in the clan, especially with the new ruling that all members should be listed.

“You’re doing well Iker,” Sergio reassured him, the main problem currently lay with the upper and elite who weren’t happy with the changes being made; however the rest of the clan were all supportive with what was being done.

Iker nodded as he leant against the wall, he had never known that anyone was suffering and now that his eyes had been opened to it now that he knew how his own mate had suffered.

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,” Iker said as he crossed his arms, there were more lower class members of the clan than there was anywhere else; he needed to make better lives for them no matter what the cost.

Sergio chuckled as he nodded his head, he patted Iker on the shoulder; he would always support Iker no matter what and he was sure that he had made the right decision.


Iker blinked the sleep out of his eyes as he heard Faith whimpered, he winced as he sat up in the chair that sat next to the bed that she lay in; he refused to leave her side unless it was something urgent.

Iker sighed in relief as he took Faith’s hand, he was relieved that she was finally waking up; it was a good sign and it meant that he could start feeding her properly.

“Faith,” Iker whispered as he pressed a kiss to her cold hand, his thumb brushing against the back of it as he smiled at her; her blue eyes slowly opening as she adjust to the light of the bedside table.

Faith looked confused as she looked at Iker, she had no idea where she was or why he was with her but it made panic fill her.

“Relax,” Iker murmured as he moved closer to his mate, he could feel her distress and he could see that it was all confusing for her; she hadn’t been awake for three days.

Faith tried to swallow as she shifted in the bed, she was wearing one of Iker’s shirts as well as his boxers; she had a feeling that he had changed her to make her comfortable.

Iker carefully reached for a glass of water on the bedside table, he had kept it there in case she did wake up; he put a straw in the glass and carefully moved it over to her so that she could have a drink.

"Nice slow sips,” Iker said as he allowed her to drink, he had been doing a lot of reading on how to look after Faith since no doctor would still treat her; he was determined to make sure that she would be okay.

Faith sipped carefully on the water, her throat ached and she wasn’t sure what had happened while she had been unconscious; she certainly didn’t understand why Iker was still with her.

“You’re my mate Faith… I’m not going anywhere,” Iker said as he answered the question that he could see that she wanted answering; he was never going to give her up and he wasn’t going to let anyone take her from him.

Faith stared at Iker, she wondered how hard she had hit her head when she had fainted, since there was no way that this could really be happening.

“And neither are you,” Iker said as he carefully set the glass of water down, he smiled softly at his mate; it was going to take her some time to trust him but he was willing to work for her trust.

Faith eyed Iker, she was in awe that he was willing to stay with her even if she was an untouchable; she had been so sure that he wouldn’t want her.

“Do you think that you could stomach some soup?” Iker asked as he watched Faith, he wanted her to get better before he pushed for anything; he would wait forever for her if that was what it took.

Faith nodded her head making Iker smile, he wanted her to get better and it was going to take time; she was fighting off an infection that had nearly killed her.

“Good… how do you feel about butternut squash soup?” Iker asked as he smiled at his mate, she looked weak and he was sure she would feel better when she had something in her stomach.


Iker carefully fed Faith some soup, he was going to nurse her back to complete health and ensure that she put on weight; she was too skinny and he didn’t like it.

Faith had been surprised when Iker had insisted on feeding her, he was acting as a mate should and it set her on edge.

Iker smiled as she finished off the small bowl of soup that he had prepared for her, he was starting her off on light meals and he was determined that she would be okay.

Faith watched Iker for a moment as her mind raced, he had told her that she had been out for three days and she was curious about what was happening with her son; she feared Iker might have sent him away for her to never see him again.

“How do you feel?” Iker asked as he turned back to Faith after he had set the bowl down, his brown eyes watching her as he wondered if she was going to be okay.

Iker had spent a lot of time worrying about her since no doctor would still treat her even with the change in laws.

“Better,” Faith said softly as she offered Iker a small smile, she wasn’t used to people wanting to look after her and it was something that she was going to have to get used to.

Iker nodded as he smiled back, he was doing his best and was fighting to make sure that she was going to be okay; she needed to take it easy for a while and Iker was going to make sure of that.

Faith shifted nervously as she watched Iker, she had so many questions but there was one that she needed answering.

“Where’s Oliver?” Faith asked carefully, she didn’t want Iker to be angry with her but she needed to know what had happened to her son while she was unconscious.

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