Chapter Eleven: Interesting Meetings

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Finishing her shift at the local library, Faith blinked as she took a couple of deep breathes; she felt horrible and she knew that today was going to be one of those days and it was only going to get worse.

Faith was wearing a navy long sleeve stripe top and straight leg dark rinse wash jeans paired with nude suede ankle boots.

Faith shook her head softly as she prepared to head to Nadina's to collect Oliver, she needed a break before her shift that night at a night club.

"Have you heard Alpha Casillas is here?" whispered a woman making Faith groan softly, she really didn't want to have to deal with this now; she glanced over at the woman and felt her heart lurch as she spotted Iker for the first time in eight weeks.

Faith watched him for a moment, taking note about how he looked before she started to leave the library; she didn't want him to find her especially not now.

"Excuse me," called a familiar voice making Faith curse as she hurried her walk, she prayed that whoever it was wasn't talking to her; however again her prayers went unanswered.

The person pulled Faith to a stop before she swallowed as she realised that it was Sergio again; he blinked as he recognised her as the woman from the night at the club.

"Isabel," Sergio breathed as he looked her over, there was no denying that this was not only Iker's mate but the woman that he had seen in the street; Sergio blinked at how ill she looked.

"I'm sorry you have the wrong person," Faith said desperately as she spotted other members of the elite exiting the building in search of Sergio who was staring at her.

Iker's steps faltered as he realised who his best friend was talking to, he had sensed her in the library and now here she was; he couldn't believe that he had finally found her after so long.

"Isabel," Iker breathed softly making her blue eyes snap to his, he swallowed wondering what had happened to her; the woman that stood before him, nearly didn't look like his mate at all.

Isabel had beautiful flowing brown hair with different shades of brown in it, she had bright blue that shone eyes, her skin was a lovely honey toned colour, and she was a vision of loveliness.

But the woman before him, her hair was dull and greasy, her eyes seemed to be lifeless, her skin was a sickly pale and she didn't look well at all and she seemed a little too skinny to be considered healthy.

"I'm sorry Alpha Casillas... I'm afraid that you have the wrong person," Faith said hoping that he believed her and ignore the pull of their bond; this was going to cause her so many problems that she didn't need to deal with right now.

Sergio looked at Iker, who seemed completely confused at her denial; he only had to look at her to know that she was his mate, their bond told him so.

"Faith, what are you doing?" snapped a voice making the brunette flinch, Faith glanced back and held back a curse as she spotted the local security officer approaching them.

"I am so sorry about this alpha, I'll remove her from your sight at once," the officer said as he bowed to Iker, his words made Faith recoil as she realised that her life had just gotten worse; the officer made a grab for her only to be stopped by Iker, who snarled at him in warning.

"Why would you do that?" Sergio asked confused as he looked at the officer, he had never seen anyone act like this before and he wondered what the hell was going on; they had been the ones to stop her and speak to her, not the other way around.

"Why did you call her Faith?" Iker asked as he stepped closer to his mate; now that he had found her then he was never going to let her go again.

The officer stared at the alpha werewolf for a moment, he knew that this was a case of mistaken identity and he hoped to resolve it quickly.

"Because that is my name," Faith said quietly making the officer stare at her in outrage; he couldn't believe that she had spoken in the presence of their alpha.

Iker blinked confused as he stared at his mate before she closed her eyes, he suddenly grew concerned as he realised that she wasn't feeling well; he wondered why she hadn't gone to see a doctor.

Faith took a couple of deep breathes as she tried to sooth her dizziness; she needed to end this now before she blacked out, she cursed her body for being so weak.

"So your name is Faith, not Isabel?" Fernando said as he looked between Faith and Iker, he could see that his friend was a little upset about the fact that she had given him the wrong name at the ball; it made no sense to them why she had lied.

Faith nodded her head as she opened her eyes, she could see Iker's concerned but she knew that she had to leave now.

"I have to go home," Faith said if she didn't leave then she was more than likely going to faint, the officer nodded his head pleased before Iker stepped forward; he was determined not to lose her.

"I'll come with you," Iker said making Faith open her mouth in protest while the officer stared at the alpha shocked; Sergio furrowed his brow wondering why she seemed desperate to escape from them.

Iker glared at the officer as he tried to work out why he was acting like this, he didn't know much about his mate but he knew that she deserved to be treated better than she was being treated by him.

"I don't think that's a good idea, why don't you go home and marry someone more appropriate," Faith said making Iker stare at her shocked, even his friends seemed taken back at her words; while the officer nodded his head in agreement.

Iker wondered why she didn't want him, it was unheard of for a female to deny their mate anything and what Faith was doing didn't make sense.

Faith swallowed as her ears started to ring, she had a feeling that she was moments away from collapsing and she hoped that she would be able to stay on her feet so that she could get rid of Iker.

"Amor that doesn't make sense, I was meant for you," Iker said making the brunette snort, she knew that the moment that the council learnt that it was her then she would never see Iker again anyway; she doubted that he would care when he learnt the truth.

"Fate has a sick sense of humour," Faith muttered making Iker furrow his brow as he stepped closer to her, he didn't know what she was talking about but he wanted to help her fix her problems; Faith backed away from him before he got to close.

"Okay, why don't I take Faith home and out of your hair," the officer suggested as he moved towards the couple, the brunette glanced at him as Iker snarled deeply in his chest at his words; he couldn't take any more of his words and suggestions about Faith.

"Stop talking about her like that," Iker snapped as he turned on the officer, who stilled frightened while his friends looked at him concerned; they all knew that the officer had been hinting at something but they didn't care what it was.

A sudden thud made Iker furrow his brow before he turned to see that his mate had collapsed, he cursed as he flew to her side while Fernando and Sergio rushed forward.

"Call an ambulance," Iker said as he started to check Faith over, he didn't know what had caused this but he hoped that she would be okay.

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